Missing precondition in 4.0.3 RC4?
In RQM 4.0.1, with the Disallow Transition to Under Review until Approvers Defined precondition, I could require that a test case have approvers set before the test case can transition to under review. This precondition appears not to be available in 4.0.3 RC4. I thought I could achieve the same result using the Required Approvals precondition and a transition rule specifying 2 Test Team Members, but the result is that I can't put the test case Under Review until those 2 Test Team Members have approved it (which they shouldn't have done if I'm only now putting it Under Review).
Is there another way to accomplish what the Disallow Transition to Under Review until Approvers Defined precondition used to do?
Is there another way to accomplish what the Disallow Transition to Under Review until Approvers Defined precondition used to do?