Command Line: load/list/... keeps asking for password
Hey Forum,
I am a newbie when it comes to RTC command line, an am trying to create a simple script to create and load a RTC repository.
First i login to the rtc server by command line 'scm login ...'
Then, i create a repository 'scm create workspace ...'
(i am using scm because my .bat file does not accept lscm. It only executes just one 1 line and terminates the execution)
Whenever I try the load or list command, it comes asking for some kind of password:
copy from cmd:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\SDP\scmtools\eclipse>lscm -a y list streams -r l
Password (EGLServer @ l):
Problem running 'list streams':
Invalid repository URI: l. Try 'lscm help list streams' for more information.
What am i doing wrong?