Roll back in RTC
- A baseline is not the rollback solution because the baseline shows all the files in the component.
- Is the change set the best way to roll back and bring these files into my sandbox? If so what is the mechanism?
Accepted answer
One other answer
An alternative is to "discard" the change set from your workspace, and then right click on the component in your stream that used to contain the discarded change set, and then use the "replace" operation to replace the configuration of that component in the stream with the configuration of that component in your workspace.
Thanks for the reply Geoffrey and Josh, The reverse option does appear the best option but there is a twist. We may need to roll back to a package of three files and that package consist of an .esql file, a .bar file and a message flow file.
Not quite sure what is being asked ... let's make the example more explicit. For example, is the scenario that:
I have change-set-A that creates the three files: foo.esql,, and foo.message-flow. Let's call the state of those three files in change-set-A "foo.esql;1", ";1", and "foo.message-flow;1". I then create a new change-set-B that modifies foo.esql and, but does not modify foo.message-flow. Let's call the state of those two files in change-set-B "foo.esql;2" and ";2".
Assuming that is the scenario (please clarify if it is not), what file states would you like to have in your workspace/stream?