Can't modify attribute type
I created a custom attribute in a new work item type that I am creating. I added the attribute to a new editor presentation. Now I need to change the attribute type from integer to decimal. But the attribute type drop list is now locked and the attribute type can't be changed. I tried removing the attribute from the editor presentation and saving but still no change. I also deleted all (sample) work items that I had created of the new work item type.
How can I get to the point where I can unlock the attribute type drop list?
3 answers
Thank you. So I suppose I could rename the attribute to "deleted...". But it seems that after a period of time with mistakes and changes, there will be a long list of extra attributes that are dead but can't be cleaned up.
It's hard for me to believe that there is no way to remove obsolete and even unused custom attributes. What am I missing?
yeh.. ugly.. we use 'zzz - deprecated - old var name' as our new label for the dead variable to get it way down on the list so most users don't see it. but it makes the lists longer.
we instituted a development org to do these tests on sandbox, save the template, and destroy the sandbox so we don't replicate mistakes into production. but we have found some side effects we didn't anticipate either..
we had a variable based on an Enum. users hated it.. so we changed the design to be a checkbox. they love it..
then we enabled field validation (we have field that needs a specific formatted data entry).. but now we get errors cause the enum definition was removed and there is a variable that once used it (but is no longer valid))..
how we are gonna manage this over the lifetime of RTC is gonna be a challenge
Michael Taylor
May 01 '13, 1:21 p.m.It appears as though once a custom attribute is added to an editor presentation, the work item type is locked. So I removed the attribute and tried to recreate it. RTC says an attribute with that ID already exists. Is there a way to truely delete a custom attribute rather than just remove it from a work item type?