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Delay updating charts with "current" data

Mike Shkolnik (9809161143) | asked Apr 30 '13, 5:25 p.m.
For burndown reports and "story points remaining", there appears to be a delay in updating the final (current) data point. It was my understanding that data prior to the current day comes from the data warehouse (as is stated at the bottom of the report) while the final (current) data point comes from live data. Problem is there seems to be a delay in updating that final data point with live data. In an experiment run today where we made a change and refreshed the chart - one time the delay was 5 minutes and another time it was 30 minutes. What causes this delay and is there anything I can do on the server to make it shorter or more consistent?

Just to be sure it wasn't a browser issue - I opened a fresh browser that had no open windows and tried IE, Firefox, and Chrome. I also verified the change took place by opening the work item on a different computer from the one it was changed on.

Aradhya K commented May 02 '13, 8:34 a.m.

The burn down data is fetched from the data mart.
You need to configure the schedule interval for running the data mart  

Mike Shkolnik commented May 02 '13, 12:16 p.m.

If you mean the "Data Warehouse", that only covers the daily update of older data - it does not cover the final plot point that represents the current day. The settings of "Task Delay" and "Snapshot Time" adjust how often and when the Data Warehouse snapshot is taken. "Task Delay" is usually set to 86400 seconds (once per day). This does not affect the final plot point of current data. It's the final plot point I need to determine the source of since it is not "real time" but is also not the daily data warehouse snapshot.

Mike Shkolnik commented May 02 '13, 12:42 p.m.

I went through the Advanced Settings of both the RTC server and the Jazz server and found different "Time Delay" settings for various snapshots, but still none that appear to match what I'm looking for.

Clement Liu commented May 02 '13, 8:36 p.m.

Hi Mike,

Which database table or view in the RTC Data Mart are you using to fetch the last data point? 

We are using LIVE_WORKITEMS_CNT and we don't see any delay. Thanks.

Mike Shkolnik commented May 06 '13, 12:29 p.m.

These are not custom reports. I'm running the canned Burndown and Story Points Remaining reports.

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