Operation behavior precondition on Deliver server operation "Require Work Items to Match Query" is not working properly.
We are using RTC 6.0.1 and process sharing in RTC.
I have defined an operation behavior precondition "Require Work Items to Match Query" on deliver changeset (server) operation. This precondition is configured on specific role e.g."Engineer", we have not configured any rules to everyone.
I have created work item query and added to predefined state. Query condition is Task must be attached ,status is in progress and Owner is current user.
Precondition is restricting user to attach task work item, but it does not restrict user should be owner of work item.
We don't want to use work item condition of "Require work items and comments" as this query does not restrict user to attach specific type of work item. For this precondition we are using only condition of comment should be attached.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions to resolve this issue.
Accepted answer
Hi All,
We have resolved this issue, IN CLM 6.0.3 we have one setting while using "Require work item to Match Query" that we have to select option "Run this Query on this Project Area".
If you are using Process sharing in RTC then you have to select this option then only query will run correctly.
One other answer
Also consider operational behavior can add up. It is possible to configure "Require Work Items to Match Query" in the order first and have a query condition for the type and then configure "Require work items and comments" and require the current user to be the owner. This would require the type and the quality for the delivery.
Hello Ralph,
I have already tried this but no luck !!
Also I tried with adding only "Require Work items to Match Query" precondition. But it allows user to deliver change set without checking all the conditions added in Query.
Hello Ralph,
I have updated the given question, added RTC version and configuration settings in Operation behavior. Please go through that and let me know if you have suggestions on this.
Thanks in advance!!
Donald Nong
Mar 31 '17, 12:12 a.m.One question to ask - if you run the matching query, does it return only the work items that you want? If not, the problem is with the query, not the precondition.
Parveen Patel
Mar 31 '17, 4:11 a.m.Hi Donald,
Query is running perfectly, there is no issue with that. We are getting correct result when we run the query.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Mar 31 '17, 6:32 a.m.I am suspecting that the query is wrong. If the workitem do not qualify, the query MUST NOT return them.
Parveen Patel
Mar 31 '17, 7:42 a.m.Hi Ralph,
When we run query individually we are getting correct result. But when we add that in precondition, it's not checking all the condition added in the query. Problem is at precondition, when we add that in operation behavior it's not working.
Donald Nong
Apr 02 '17, 10:38 p.m.I can only suspect that the query is not configured correctly for the particular purpose, or the wrong query is picked in the precondition. A query does not "check" conditions, rather, it is "constructed" based on the conditions.