Adding a LDAP link in work item Defect in RTC

5 answers


Based on your statement it sounds like the user reporting the defect isn't doing so by creating a work item, so their name is not attached to it as the creator. So you want to create a field where the value is linked to an specific user in LDAP but not necessarily one that has been added to any RTC groups. This way the user creating the defect is forced to use a standard naming convention.
Is that correct?
I don't know the answer but if we can clarify the question a little more then maybe someone else will.


You could then add a custom field of type Contributor to link the user with the WI.

I think Piotr you might just have the solution for me. I already created a custom field contributor and I see I get the list I want. Now I am trying to find a way to do a bulk import to get all users, but I don't see an answer at the moment. Google doesn't help a lot. So I'll keep searching, but if somebody knows how or knows the right link please let me know.
There is also an automatically task that is syncronising LDAP with your repository. See more about this and the rules for syncing here:
In any case you only will get the users that are members of the mapped LDAP groups.