HP OSLC adapter - Together with DOORS 9.5

Accepted answer

As I recall, DOORS 9.5 has not yet been tested and is not supported with the HP OSLC adapter at this point of time.
As part of the DOORS 9 family we sell a DOORS-HPQC adapter based on synchronization rather than OSLC. This adapter has been around for a while, and existing DOORS-HPQC customers are using it. So thus far we haven't see a lot of customer requests to change what's working to be OSLC-based.
Do you have a need for both RRC and DOORS 9 to integrate to HPQC? Are you asking to implement the integration the same way with both RM systems? It would be helpful to know more about your needs and what's motivating them.

Hi Daniel,
Thanks for you details response.
Yes, The need to remove the duplication of data between DOORS and HP, is one of my needs, together with the fact the DOORS-QC Integration is not great, and has its issues.
I thought that as long that DOORS, and HP ALM (through the adapter) supports OSLC, they should be able to connect. Am I wrong?
OSLC interfaces are defined to meet minimum viable integration criteria. So the fact that both tools support OSLC does not necessarily mean they will be able to connect, or if they do, will support the use cases in need.
I invite you to submit a new Integration Request which will create a record of this need. I track these requests each week and discuss them with Rational Product Management, Software Development, Business Development, and Custom Engineering leaders.

Hi Gary,
The link provided here is not working for some reason.
Can you point me to where I need to post this ER?
itay ariel
May 21 '13, 7:14 a.m.If you find a solution for this problem I would love to know,
Asaf Kivity
May 21 '13, 7:20 a.m.Hi Itay,
itay ariel
May 26 '13, 3:26 a.m.Hi,