Using RRA to Paginate and read all build result
I have a project with more than 500 builds. I am using RRA to read all the build results of this project. But at a time I get only 100 results back. Here is the query that I use
https://host/ccm/rpt/repository/build?fields=buildResult/buildResult[buildDefinition/id='myBuildDef' and buildStatus='OK']/(buildDefinition/projectArea/name|uniqueId|itemId|label|buildStatus|startTime|timeTaken)
Do we know how to paginate through all the build results.
Accepted answer
Hi Praveen
Haven't tried it out with build results but take a look at Page 9 (Section 4.1) of which describes pagination for large data sets.
Haven't tried it out with build results but take a look at Page 9 (Section 4.1) of which describes pagination for large data sets.
One other answer
Hi Praveen,
same. Haven't tried myself.
But I would suggest you to try the approach described by Kot in the the following post
Basically you'd need to navigate to the "next" page whose reference would be returned to you in the HTTP answer.
Note that it's the same approach than prescribed in Freddy's pointed reference document.
Hope this helps.
same. Haven't tried myself.
But I would suggest you to try the approach described by Kot in the the following post
Basically you'd need to navigate to the "next" page whose reference would be returned to you in the HTTP answer.
Note that it's the same approach than prescribed in Freddy's pointed reference document.
Hope this helps.