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Moving stories from sprint to product backlog

SMitha kumari (245254) | asked Apr 19 '13, 8:33 a.m.

Hi Team,

While moving stories from sprint to product backlog, associated child work items are still pointing at Sprint. I believe while moving stories back to product backlog, linked work items will also move. But it works only if we select Stories and linked workitems.. is there any way to do the same by selecting only stories.


2 answers

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Apr 19 '13, 8:39 a.m.

Only way I know is to use a plan in a workbreakdown structure "Display=Tree:Parent->Child"

And then you can press the <ALT>key together with <left-mouse-button-click> on the select box of the parent. This should select all children.

Then you can move or use the menu item "Planned X items for".

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SMitha kumari (245254) | answered Apr 22 '13, 8:21 a.m.

This is good one. But it is also good to have automatically moving the child items.


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