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How to view/see an asset categorization using Ant

Allen Earnest (6212437) | asked Apr 15 '13, 6:12 p.m.
 Hello All,

Using Ant scripting, is there a way to use the ram client to view the custom attributes and categorization of an asset?

For example, I can write this script to see the name of my asset...

<target name="viewAsset1" depends="preReq">
<ram:propertyHelper />
<ram:asset id="myasset" server="ramServer" guid="${ram.asset.guid}" version="${ram.asset.version}" />
<echo message="Asset Name = ${myasset.Name}" />

I could then use this name attribute in a variety of ways.  The Name is a built in attribute and is available to me through the Asset interface.  So that's no problem.

For the custom attributes and categorization, I see that there is an "AssetAttribute" (getAssetAttribute) and a "Categorizations" (getCategorizations) methods as part of the Asset interface.  But these methods require parameters.  I assume these are how I would retrieve the custom attributes and categorization information.  Is this correct?  How do I specify the parameters for these via an Ant script?

Thanks for any help!

Accepted answer

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Eric Bordeau (27632) | answered Apr 16 '13, 10:43 a.m.
The only thing I can think of is to iterate over the collection until you find the one you want. For instance, you could do something like this (using the Ant-Contrib if functionality). It's not pretty, but it should do the trick. (Note: for categories, you'd need to iterate over the schemas first, then when you find the schema you want, iterate over the categories.)

<target ... >
     <ram:iterate collection="asset.assetAttributes" param="attr" target="handleAttribute" />
<target name="handleAttribute">
          <equals arg1="${}" arg2="My Attribute" />
               Do something...
Allen Earnest selected this answer as the correct answer

Allen Earnest commented Apr 16 '13, 10:54 a.m.

Thanks Eric.  I did try that and you are correct on both points... it works, but its awkward.

I'll leave the question open a little longer in hopes someone knows an easier way...

Many thanks for the reply!

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