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RAM: Bulk Edit is not changing the state of an asset.

Vijay Reddy Gaddam (563041) | asked Dec 14 '15, 5:04 a.m.

RAM Version:

I have around two communities in RAM. Say CM1, CM2
Both communities have different life cycle actions.
CM1: approved - pre-retire - retire
CM2: draft - for Approval - approved - pre-retire - retire
I have an asset firstAsset1 & forstAsset2  for community CM1 with respective life cycle actions. For both assets Current state: approved.

Now I moved both the asset to CM2, but the assets state has not been changed. When I open the asset, I see a warning message: No life cycle actions are available.

When I do the same action for a single asset then the state was changed for the asset to draft which is correct.

What is the reason for not changing the state of the asset? which is completely in correct?
I was already known that there is no bulk update for the state of an asset(s), but this way is either  completely wrong, since all the assets will be impacted.

either option or new feature has to be provided?

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Lin Lu (3063) | answered Dec 14 '15, 9:11 p.m.
Did you perform that with Web client's bulk edit?
My thought is that there is no different between modifying asset communities one by one and modifying asset communities via bulk edit. is there anything(warning exception) in debug logs?


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