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Differnt work item types for different permission levels...

Swapnil Khandelwal (156) | asked Apr 09 '13, 3:05 a.m.


Can we restrict different work item types for different permission levels..??

Is it possible to apply permissions at the level of work item types or can we associate WI types to different work item categories so that we can restrict the visibility of different WI types for different users ..??

I am using RTC

Daniel Toczala commented Apr 09 '13, 7:57 a.m.

Why are you attempting to restrict visibility? There is probably a better way to accomplish the business/security goal here with functionality and techniques that already exist.

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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Apr 09 '13, 4:07 a.m.
you can associate categories to team areas and thus restrict work items to specific team areas by setting appropriate category in the work item. 

however a work item type cannot be directly restricted to a category or a team area. 

there are a few possibilities you might want to explore
1.  using a default value for category for each work item type
2.  using roles and permissions - create specific roles for each work item type and assign it to users who should have access to that work item type
Team Permissions > Pick a Role > From Permitted actions > Work Items > Save Work Item (server) > Create a work item > Create a work item of a specific type
3.  using Access Groups and Restricted Access attribute might help you
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