How to add a new button (similar to 'Refresh','Subscribe Me') on the Top right in a Work Item Header so that I can use this for external URL linkage ?
One answer
1. describes how to add a button to a work item.
2. You can use a regular expression to limit the number of characters in some attribute. has an example of this.
I would like to know the answer for this query.
I gone through the below link Is it javascript file attachahed to project area. If yes, We are using process sharing concept that wont support attached script files.
With this link got confused.Is it done by server extensions/ or by configuration xml and java scripts. I think this applied for dynamic variable.
I have pre defined value(http link), I just want to hide data and show some user friednly(click me) on view.
The link I posted is a little confusing as it starts in the middle of the page. Start at the top: The article states "The first step in this customization process is to build the infrastructure so as to provide the custom Web Action with the described capability. We have to create an Eclipse Plug-in project and define an extension of
." The extension is a server extension. has more information on creating and deploying server side extensions.
It's unclear to me what scenario you are trying to implement. I believe there is a way to add help text to a work item by using a graphical question mark the user can hover over to get more information. You may want to consider defining the scenario you want to implement in a new forum question.