Why isn't any email notification sent out after someone modified WI in a RTC PA?

In RTC 401, after making some modifications to attribute fields, user is unable to receive any notification when creating/modifying a work item unless they metion/tag a user (ie. @user)..the all modifier options are selected under the user profile in RTC under 'Mail Configuration', what could caused the issue?
One answer

In this case, the WI email notification template embedded in client's process template was modified and when testing the template, there was error found. The fix was to replace the codes within the problematic email notification template with the one comes with an OTB template.
To access the template, Open the PA in Eclipse client, go to Process Configuration, Project Configuration, Workitem, Email template, Workitem Change notification. Click on Test template, pick an existing WI number, notice 1 error found. Replace the codes, test the template again, ensure no error found. Apply the changes and save PA.
To access the template, Open the PA in Eclipse client, go to Process Configuration, Project Configuration, Workitem, Email template, Workitem Change notification. Click on Test template, pick an existing WI number, notice 1 error found. Replace the codes, test the template again, ensure no error found. Apply the changes and save PA.