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How do I edit existing attributes?

Caroline Smith (4611923) | asked Apr 03 '13, 5:44 a.m.
I am having trouble editing attributes in RTC under Work Items - Types and Attributes - Attributes.  I created two custom attributes and I created them as integers when I should have created smallStrings.  I have added these two the story work item and when I click edit I cannot change the type.  When I remove them and add them again it allows me to change the type but when I create a new story they are still integers.

I have searched the configuration source to see if I can configure them in there but when they are removed from the story nothing appears in the source.

Can anybody tell me how to edit the type of an attribute or delete an attribute so I can create it again.  I am using eclipse client 3.0.1

Thanks in advance

Eric Jodet commented Apr 03 '13, 7:34 a.m.

 Hello Caroline,

changing attribute's type is currently not possible.


3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 03 '13, 5:55 a.m.
Hi Caroline,


I don't think it is safe to use one of the proposals to modify the process XML. You might run into issues later.

The suggestion is to export the attribute data into CSV, include the work item ID in the export.
Then import data - only using the ID and the column renamed for the new attribute. Choose update existing work items. You might have to figure the mapping out, however, since you just update just the new work item attribute from the data of the old one, into the existing work item, you should not loose anything.

Caroline Smith commented Apr 03 '13, 5:59 a.m.

I am not sure that this is the same issue.  The other problem is changing an enumeration.  I can do that but I cannot change an attribute.  The attributes I am talking about can be found by going

Work Items - Types and Attributes - Attributes - Click Add - Click Reuse existing attribute.

I want to change or delete one of those.

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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Apr 03 '13, 6:26 a.m.
Hi Caroline,

I second Ralph's opinion that the process XML modifications wouldn't be safe and also that currently its not possible to edit the type of an attribute.

one thing from your description that made me think was on:
When I remove them and add them again it allows me to change the type but when I create a new story they are still integers

here, you should typically hit a attribute id conflict, wondering how it got skipped unless you have selected a different attribute id.  Case is what I would have a re-look at.  The ID is case sensitive, which is quite common to overlook and assume that you have the same attribute with a different type. 

If its a new attribute id with the same name, then you may want to review your presentation kind.

Open Editor Presentation for the Type  > locate the Presentation for the attribute > Attribute-based presentation and change the kind, change it if it was still set to show Int.

Caroline Smith commented Apr 03 '13, 6:29 a.m.

The presentation type was fine.  I have create a new attribute and used it instead but I would like to delete the incorrect one but I cant see how to do this.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 03 '13, 7:08 a.m.
Caroline, you can delete Attributes, but you can not reuse the same ID and the attribute will still be available.


Also see what is safe to do and what not.

You should rename your Attribute's display name to something like zzz_AttributeName_Deprecated. Add a new attribute with its own ID and if needed migrate data over as suggested.

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