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Code formatting on delivery

Peter Weller (39379) | asked Apr 02 '13, 7:48 p.m.
Hey all,

This was asked a couple of years back[1] but got no answer. I thought I would try again.

Is it possible (using the Eclipse RTC Client) to strongly encourage the developer to format their code against a given Eclipse Formatting profile?


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Lauren Hayward Schaefer (3.3k11727) | answered Apr 03 '13, 6:51 a.m.
Hi Peter,
I don't know of a built-in precondition that does exactly what you're looking for.  There are preconditions that prohibit non-externalized Java strings and prohibit unused Java imports.  Perhaps you could write your own precondition.

Ralph Schoon commented Apr 03 '13, 7:28 a.m.

And it would have to be a precondition that actually runs in the Eclipse client and not on the server. And it needs to be able to detect a file needs formatting before delivery.  That is how client preconditions actually can work.They access capabilities installed in the RTC client that provide information back that can be used to decide.

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