how the severity enumeration is set in a query?
I have added a new severity enumeration value and have move it in righy place in list display with move button.
- Minor
- Moderate (new)
- Major
- Critical
But when quering on enumeration basis following descending sort I get the new added value placed in bad place on list
- Minor
- Major
- Critical
- Moderate (new)
I suppose the sorting follows literal number of severity entry
how to order in right way the severity list with new value?
One answer
There are known issues with sorting on enumerations. These are being tracked by
In reproducing your case, I see the same behavior for Severity or Priority -- the query-based initial sort is based on the literal id. If you sort using the column heading in the result set it will resort into the order as visible in the enumeration definition (at least in the Eclipse UI).