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Rebrand RTC to match my corporate standards

Karl Athanasiou (3121317) | asked Mar 15 '13, 3:15 p.m.
 Hi All,
I have been looking and have come up empty handed.
I have a requirement to modify the RTC UI (web and eclipse) to be the Corporate colors and to display  warnings about cyber security and everything you do is owned by the corporation and not you and so on and so forth.
I haven't been able to find an article on where to start.
I am sure people have done this before.
If a few pointers could be thrown my way I would be thankful

One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 16 '13, 4:15 a.m.
 Karl, please see the item to search for is "Theme". Also see . As far as I know, that is all that is available.

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