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How to display time remaining in plan views?

Mark Ingebretson (58515236) | asked Mar 08 '13, 11:36 a.m.
We switched a project from using Time Spent to Time Remaining.  It's working in work item views.  But when configuring a plan view to add a Time Remaining column, the only option available is Time Spent.

I thought this was because of the single field to hold this Time Spent/Time Remaining information.  But when I look at the actual data in the plan views, it really is displaying Time Spent.

For example, a Task has an estimate of 12 hours.  The value displayed as Time Remaining in the work item presentation is 4 hours.

The column labeled "Time Spent" in the plan view for that Task displays 8 hours.

How can we display Time Remaining in a plan view?  The server is running

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 08 '13, 3:11 p.m.
 As far as I know, unfortunately the presentation in the work item attribute presentation calculates time remaining and estimate to time spent and then displays the result. So, unfortunately I think you have to display time spent and estimate and then do the math. The related work item to add a real time remaining attribute has unfortunately not being addressed yet, as far as I know.
Mark Ingebretson selected this answer as the correct answer

Mark Ingebretson commented Mar 11 '13, 9:46 a.m.

Thanks for the info, Ralph.

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