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Rational Insight v1.1.1 error License CRRRL0005E

Hi all, I hope you can help me.
I Install Rational Insight V1.1.1 on Windows Server 2008 R2, the trial license period has expired,so we purchased a license of type "IBM Rational Insight Standard Edition autorized User Licence Key", we loaded the license purchased in IBM RLKS 8.1.3 with iFix 02, at time of loading the license in RLKS asked me to create RLKs file "ibmratl.opt" where I put following parameters:
"GROUP AuthUsers anonymous wurrejola
Insight_user INCLUDE GROUP AuthUsers "
I saved the file, stopped the services RLSKS and start again, then check the tab "Server Status" and the report says "User of insight_user: (Total of 2 licenses issued; Total of 0 Licencses in use).
After this configuration I fully restarted Windows Server 2008, but when entering my username and password in Insight throws me the following error Logon:
"CRRRL0005E: Can not log on to the report server. The trial period for the report server is expired.
Please contact the server administrator to inform reporting this problem. "
I followed all the steps in the help of Insight 1.1.1 but so far nothing has worked
here I leave the logs of RLKs
Tab Server Status
Perform status Enquiry
Flexible License Manager status on Wed 3/6/2013 17:41
[Detecting lmgrd processes...]
License server status: 27000@myserver
License file(s) on myserver: D:\IBM\RationalRLKS\common\rational_server_perm.dat:D:\IBM\RationalRLKS\common\rational_server_temp.dat:
myserver: license server UP (MASTER) v11.10
Vendor daemon status (on myserver):
ibmratl: UP v11.10
Feature usage info:
Users of insight_user: (Total of 2 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)
Tab Server Diags
Perform Diagnostics
FLEXnet diagnostics on Wed 3/6/2013 17:42
License file: D:\IBM\RationalRLKS\common\rational_server_perm.dat
"insight_user" v1.000000, vendor: ibmratl
License server: myserver
floating license starts: 1-jan-1990, no expiration date
USER_BASED: Requires all licenses be RESERVEd to USERs
Requests from the same USER/HOST/DISPLAY/VENDOR-DEFINED* do not consume a new license
*vendor-defined is a customized grouping -- ask your software provider
This license cannot be checked out because:
User/host not on INCLUDE list for feature.
Feature: insight_user
License path: D:\IBM\RationalRLKS\common\rational_server_perm.dat;D:\IBM\RationalRLKS\common\rational_server_temp.dat;
FLEXnet Licensing error:-39,147
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,
available at "www.flexerasoftware.com".
License file: D:\IBM\RationalRLKS\common\rational_server_temp.dat
3 answers

People, I resolved, I did the following:
1. Stop the service of RLKs 8.1.3 fix 02
2. Stop the service WAS
3. Add the file "ibmratl.opt" these parameter:
GROUP AuthServers myserverinsight.dom.cl
Insight_server INCLUDE GROUP AuthServers
GROUP AuthUsers anonymous wurrejola
INCLUDE Insight_user GROUP AuthUsers
4. Save the file "ibmratl.opt"
5. Start the service of RLKs 8.1.3 fix 02
6. Start the Web service aplication
7. Start session in reports server and it worked perfectly.
Thanks for the help :)

Hi Walter -
In Insight 1.1.1 you should not require these line in the ibmratl.opt file:
In Insight 1.1.1 you should not require these line in the ibmratl.opt file:
GROUP AuthServers myserverinsight.dom.clInsight_server INCLUDE GROUP AuthServers

Hi Ali, thank you very much for your answer ... Yes, according to the support site of insight v 1.1.1 the parameter you mention is not necessary, but without this parameter did not work without the license, adding "GROUP AuthServers myserverinsight.dom.cl Insight_server INCLUDE GROUP AuthServers" that the parameter refers to the server worked immediately.

Hi Walter -
This line also looks suspicious?
Insight_user INCLUDE GROUP AuthUsersShould it not instead be:
INCLUDE insight_user GROUP AuthUsersRegards,

Hi Ali, You're absolutely right, keyboard error jejeje ;)
this is the correct:
INCLUDE insight_user GROUP AuthUsers