Disable report output formats
Hello Jazz-Community,
i designed for a RRC 4 installation reports with RPE 1.2 in RPE-format 1. Some of the reports are designed to use a word template.
When an user want to export an report, he can choose between Adobe PDF, Word, HTML und XSL-FO. But unfortunately, the reports with a word template doesn't make sense in PDF, HTML and XSL. The user doesn't get what he expect.
I want to know, if it's possible to disable report output formats for a template or for reporting generally?
Best regards - Marcus
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Hi Marcus,
I have not done this for RRC yet (I am still working with DOORS 9, looking into using DOORS NG) but I think you can acheive this by editing the Specifciation in RPE. The specification (note: not the template) includes an "Output" line for each format and by default all of them are there - if you delete the ones you don't require then they should then not be offered to the users.
Here is a secreenshot of one of my specifications with only the Word Output remaining.
Thank's for your prompt reply Ali. But, your described way doesn't work out of RRC. The RRC users can start in the RRC a dialog to export reports. They didn't need / have the pictured RPE Launcher dialog.
In the RRC is the RPE Launcher technology integrated with very simply menu. You didn't have all the functions of the RPE Launcher dialog.
You design a report in RPE and then you can load the report in the RRC.
Hi Marcus. The screenshot I gave was not what the users see but what I see when I edit a Specification file.
We have two files for each RPE report - .DSX files are specifications and it is these that the users select when they want to output a report. There are also .DTA files, which contain most of the information about what the report looks like.
Do you have these two file types in your system?
What menu do your users use to start the process?
The followign link may help (I have not read it all).
About half way down you will see a screenshot that looks a bit like mine - I think this is the file you need to edit to take out the unwanted formats (delete the Target lines for the formats you do not want). Take care to make backup copies though - you may have to undo.
Hello Ali,
thank's again for your effort. In RRC is an integrated Report Wizard. After the template creation you load the template up to the RRC.
For this reason the user didn't need a RPE licence, the .dta- and .dtx-file.