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Programmatic WorkItem - Documentation

Annie Lozano (3121) | asked Nov 17 '08, 7:26 a.m.
I want to import/add workitems to Jazz from my bug log file. I try to base on example, which is on this page:

I want to add more fields defining workitem. So I need some information about classes used in this example. Where can I find documentation?

6 answers

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Nov 18 '08, 4:58 a.m.
In general, you can set attributes using the generic
IWorkItem#setValue(attribute, value) method.

For this, you need the attribute, which can be obtained using

IAttribute attribute= IWorkItemClient#findAttribute(projectArea,
attributeId, monitor);

The attributeId can be one of the property constants defined on
IWorkItem, e.g. IWorkItem.PRIORITY_PROPERTY.

1. How to set workitem priority on High? ( How use
setPriority function ? )

You can get the available priorities using

IAttribute priority= workItemClient.findAttribute(project,
IWorkItem.PRIORITY_PROPERTY, monitor);
IEnumeration<IPriority> priorityEnum=
IWorkItemCommon.resolveEnumeration(priority, monitor);

// Get the list of priorities
List<IPriority> priorities= priorityEnum.getEnumerationLiterals();

IPriority priorityLiteral= ... // select one of the list above
workItem.setValue(priority, priorityLiteral.getIdentifier2());

2. How to set FoundIn attribute ?

IDeliverableHandle deliverable= ... // Find a deliverable using one of
the IWorkItemClient#findDeliverable* methods

IAttribute foundIn= workItemClient.findAttribute(project,
IWorkItem.FOUND_IN_PROPRTY, monitor);
workItem.setValue(foundIn, deliverable);

3. How to set Planned for attribute ?

IIterationHandle iteration= ...
IAttribute plannedFor= workItemClient.findAttribute(project,
IWorkItem.TARGET_PROPERTY, monitor);

Jazz Work Item Team

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Annie Lozano (3121) | answered Nov 18 '08, 4:26 a.m.
I need information:
1. How to set workitem priority on High? ( How use setPriority function ? )
2. How to set FoundIn attribute ?
3. How to set Planned for attribute ?

Thank you

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Annie Lozano (3121) | answered Nov 19 '08, 3:41 a.m.
Thank you for response. I am new with Jazz and intermediate Java programmist and unfortunately I still have problem :(

1. How to set workitem priority on High? ( How use
setPriority function ? )

How to set FoundIn attribute ?

I have problem with:
IDeliverableHandle deliverable= workItemClient.findDeliverableByName(projectArea, "aaa", null, monitor);

I put null in ItemProfile<IDeliverable> parameter. What shoud I put here?

Now I get:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

How to set Planned for attribute ?

IIterationHandle iteration= ...
I can't initialize IIterationHandle. :(

Thank you again.

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Nov 20 '08, 7:08 a.m.
I have problem with:
IDeliverableHandle deliverable=
workItemClient.findDeliverableByName(projectArea, "aaa",
null, monitor);

I put null in ItemProfile<IDeliverable> parameter. What shoud I
put here?

You can use IDeliverable.SMALL_PROFILE. The profiles define which
attributes of the item will be loaded from the server. See also the
class ItemProfile.

Jazz Work Item Team

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Annie Lozano (3121) | answered Nov 24 '08, 5:34 a.m.
I still have o problem with plannedFor attribute. I don't understand how this all classes are connected with each other.

I don't know how to find IIterationHandle for "aaa". I tried in some ways and nothing works.

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pugazhenthi samidurai (26423942) | answered Apr 05 '12, 5:37 a.m.

How do get all the values of Planned for attribute using plain java.



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