What's the best practice with RQM Test Schedules when migrating to RQM 4.0.1?
After we migrate customers from RQM 3.0.x to RQM 4.0.1 the Test Schedules no longer exist. I understand there's a way to migrate the Test Schedules so they'll appear in 4.0.1, but the new process is to create your Timeline and then create Test Schedules based on those iterations.
Is one of these options considered the best practice? Should we migrate the Test Schedules or just recreate them by creating a Timeline and then created a new Test Schedule that links to the Timeline?
Is one of these options considered the best practice? Should we migrate the Test Schedules or just recreate them by creating a Timeline and then created a new Test Schedule that links to the Timeline?
One answer
The test schedules get auto migrated during the upgrade.
You can browse to 'Manage Project Timelines'.
In this page, check the defined timelines and you should find 'Auto Migrated' iteration which should contain all your schedules that were created before the upgrade:
You can set the timeline holding this iteration as your current timeline and continue creating iterations.
Or you could start afresh by creating a new timeline.
Hope this helps!!
Best Regards
Thanks Rajat. I do see Auto-Migrated now. Is the Test Schedule supposed to still be populated after the migration or should we be required to recreate them from the Auto-Migrated timeline?
Test Schedule is supposed to still populate after the migration.
You can refer the below article which explains this in detail:
Best Regards