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Can we add custom attribute to Test Schedule/ Test Environment section

shweta ranaware (3711053) | asked Sep 01 '17, 5:57 a.m.

 Hi All,

 Currently I am using CLM 6.0.2 version. In RQM we can add custom attributes for Test Plan, Test case, Test script, Test suite etc . but if I want to add custom attributes for Test schedule/ test Environment section. 
So Is it possible to add attributes to Test Schedule/ environment section. 

Thanks In Advance..

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abhishek gour (3812) | answered Sep 12 '17, 2:05 a.m.

Test Schedules and Environments are not designed to support Custom Attribute directly. But just wondering what is the reason for using custom attributes for Schedules / Environment? 

Test environments can be defined for various types of Lab Resource Description. You could choose various Lab Resource attributes to define this description ( environment). The attributes for Lab Resources can be created. So please see if this could fulfil your need of custom attributes for Environments. 

Test Schedule may make use of a Test Cell ( a collection of resources created out of resources from various groups for a specific purpose ). Cells in turn depends on Environment and provides resources which could be used for chosen environment. So please see if Test Cells can fulfil the need for Custom Attribute for Schedules. 

But as mentioned earlier, Custom Attributes are not provided for Lab Management Artifacts similar to Test Artifacts. 

shweta ranaware selected this answer as the correct answer

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