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Using Java API to get TestCase from RQM

Can anybody help me to explain the way I can use RTC java SDK to manipulate test cases from RQM.
My requirment is.
1) Get all testcases from a particular project area.
2) Find number of executed testcase from a project area
3) Get the status of test execution record for a particular test case.
4) Link testcase from RQM to workitems in RTC
One answer

Hi Sarath,
Although there are parts of the RTC API in RQM and there was a limited capability to use that API against RQM at least in the past, I don't think you can use the Java API for RQM like you can do that with RTC. You could use OSLC based calls to get at the data. Please have a look at https://jazz.net/library/article/635 to get started.
Although there are parts of the RTC API in RQM and there was a limited capability to use that API against RQM at least in the past, I don't think you can use the Java API for RQM like you can do that with RTC. You could use OSLC based calls to get at the data. Please have a look at https://jazz.net/library/article/635 to get started.

Hi Ralph,
Thank you for your answer.
Getting Iteration besed details and other information which is outside the serviceprovider context is very difficult to retrive using this RDF data from CCM.
The problem we faced using OSLC for fetching data from RQM is,
we are not able to find a testExecutionRecord of a testCase in RQM.
for getting this information first we want to get a testcase and we want to use testcaseExecutionRecord query capability to find testexecution record for that particular testcase.

You should be able to create links between RTC work items and RQM based on the RQM elements URI, in case you have that URI. I have written about some of the API in my blog, that could help here: http://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2012/09/19/the-rtc-workitem-link-api-linking-workitems-to-other-elements/