Both my BF mgmt server and agents are on Windows.
I added a bf env variable as:
_MAP Y:=\\ccreqpwebp01\Java
PATH Y:;%PATH%, results in PATH=Z:\;PATH
PATH Y:;%%PATH%%, results in PATH=Z:\;%PATH%
The step error says referring to undefined variable. So I have to put the exact full path now.
What's wrong?
One answer
First I would use the ${PATH}, notation to avoid confusion. You want BF to handle the prepending of Z: to the PATH variable correct? Next is 'PATH' defined in the BF log? It is case sensitive. If it is remapping Y: to Z:, make sure that Windows on the agent does not already map Y: or Z: to something.
Since PATH is already resolving to PATH, doubling the variable to %%PATH%% probably won't help as BF will parse it to %PATH%, but since PATH isn't in BF, it probably won't resolve on the Agent OS. My best guess is that its probably Path, not PATH.