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Error deleting a folder: ID CRRRW7752W Not all of the folder contents could be deleted.

Tommy Tze (1334) | asked Feb 14 '13, 7:04 p.m.

I'm getting an error when I tried deleting an artifact folder in RRC. The folder is empty (from what I can tell), I have system administration privileges, and I've tried logging out and in again. Same error. I'm not sure what else I'm missing that's causing this error.

The error message:
  Not all of the folder contents could be deleted. Some of the contents might be locked, or you might not have permission to delete them.

Additional details:
Running on RRC 4.0.1
Firefox 18.0.1 browser


6 answers

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Feb 18 '13, 10:15 a.m.
Two things, to:

1. Try with a browser like IE9 for Firefox 10 ESR ( as per the officially supported browser  - as there have been problem with later browsers)

2. Try creating a new artifact in the folder to see that the folder is not corrupted and then try deleting the folder again.

If neither of these work then I suggest contacting Tech Support

Tommy Tze commented Feb 18 '13, 4:11 p.m.

Thank you for the suggestions. I tried:

1. Deleting using IE8, which is supported in the link that you provided: I still get the same error.

2. Creating a temporary artifact in the folder, then deleting the folder. Same error. Strangely enough, the temporary artifact was successfully deleted. Also, I can rename this folder and move it around. No problems with other actions, except delete.

I'll raise this issue with tech support.

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Marwan Othman (212) | answered Mar 04 '13, 5:45 a.m.
edited Mar 04 '13, 5:45 a.m.
Hi All;

I facing the same problem, do you have other suggestions?


Tommy Tze commented Apr 03 '13, 6:49 p.m.

Hi Marwan,

This won't be the answer that you are looking for, but I managed to get around this problem by trying the delete again a few days later. It worked for me.

I did not raise a SR for this issue for the reason that I was not able to reproduce the problem.


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Mike Jaworski (1.4k6) | answered Apr 04 '13, 12:59 p.m.
  I would suggest going through IBM Support for this issue. When deleting a folder from the web client, a recursive delete operation is issued to the server which attempts to delete any child artifacts and folders contained in the folder you are attempting to delete. Given this warning message, there is most likely some sort of permissions error being thrown by the server which is preventing this recursive delete operation. 

If the issue is related to artifact locking, a server restart would clear out any locks on artifacts contained in this folder, and the folder delete could be reattempted. If the issue is related to permissions, there should be a clear error message in the server log files indicating this, and the appropriate permissions would be needed to complete this operation. Either way, IBM Support will be able to analyze the cause of this message. Here is the explanation for this warning message:

"Locked artifacts can be unlocked by either the user who locked them or a user who has permission to unlock them. To check whether you have permission to delete the remaining contents of the folder, ask a project administrator. To find a project administrator, click the Administration menu icon and select Manage This Project Area. Then, scroll to the Administrators section."

Mike Jaworski

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9185201) | answered Feb 10 '14, 10:21 a.m.
I'm facing this same issue (v 4.0.3)  I did find a Module that calls out the folder the user's want to delete. So, I tried to Edit the artifact and get this:

ID CRRRW7558E  The server indicates that it does not permit the operation. The message that follows might include additional information about why the operation is not permitted.
Unable to load undefined?format=application%2Frdf%2Bxml&dojo.preventCache=1392045539880 status:403
_28d@ _286/func@ _286@

URL: undefined?format=application%2Frdf%2Bxml

HTTP Status 403 - CRJZS0040E There is no REST service handler registered for the path "/undefined".

type Status report

message CRJZS0040E There is no REST service handler registered for the path "/undefined".

description Access to the specified resource has been forbidden.

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Mike Rago (2578) | answered Apr 30 '14, 12:36 p.m.
We had this issue pop up.  A user had tried to convert Word docs and folders were created.  When I tried to delete the folders, I got the error.  I assigned the user to the Administrator role (which had delete folder permissions) and he was able to delete the folders.  Perhaps the user owned the locks on the folders?

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Richard K (25312) | answered Feb 26 '18, 2:16 p.m.

In my experience, this error is occurring because a module exists that is using this folder as the default folder where new artifacts created in that module are placed. I have no idea how to see the default folder for a module, or vice versa, to see the module that a folder is connected to. However, I'm pretty sure this is the problem. I have a number of these empty, undeleteable folders in my project. Every few months I look into them, and sometimes some of them will contain new artifacts that are part of modules in other folders elsewhere in the project. None of my users are intentionally creating or moving artifacts into these "obsolete" folders. However, they are creating new artifacts in modules in other folders elsewhere in the project. Which module is using which folder as its default place to put new artifacts, why, and how to change it? I would really like to know.

Richard K commented Feb 28 '18, 10:17 a.m. | edited Feb 28 '18, 10:17 a.m.

I just found it. It's called "Content Folder" in the Module attributes in the right sidebar. I'd upload a screenshot, but I don't have enough "reputation". If there is any module in the project area that has its Content Folder set to folder XX, then folder XX cannot be deleted, even if folder XX is empty. EDIT: This may be new in 6.0.5.

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