'Unable to load the JDBC driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver' when running the JKE Sample
I followed the steps in this post to run the JKE Banking sample, and got the following error.
Any hint on how to solve this ?
Unable to load the JDBC driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
Please check your CLASSPATH
2 answers
Thank you Lauren.
Well, I just stopped my Jazz server, rebooted my machine, restarted the Jazz server ('Run as Administrator' Windows 7, 64-bit), relaunched the RTC client ('Run as Administrator'), reloaded a Workspace on the BRM Stream, started the JKEServer, then the JKEJavaUI ... and the JKE sample works just fine now !
(not sure why I got that original post error, however the above steps solved it, so all is OK)