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Showing an aggregated effort estimation for work item hierachies

Julian Jung (111) | asked Feb 13 '13, 1:01 p.m.
Dear Community,

is it possible to fill or update the effort estimation of a work item which has work item children based on the accumulated effort of the children?

Say I have work item A which has children B and C.
B has an estimation of 8h, C of 4h.
I would now like to see that the work item A has a total effort estimation of 12h.

Is anything like this possible? Are there (better) alternatives to this approach?

Thanks in advance,

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 13 '13, 1:55 p.m.
 Julian, have you looked into the planning component. There is a roll up of efforts for execution items to plan items. The values are calculated on line in the plan and not work item attributes.

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