Why can't I access my Team Repository while testing and debugging an RTC extension.
- com.ibm.teamz.supa.admin
- com.ibm.teamz.supa.search
Accepted answer
I have and added the following to the features list to "[RTCExt] Create RTC Test Database":
- com.ibm.teamz.supa.server.feature
- com.ibm.teamz.langdef.feature.server
- com.ibm.teamz.langdef.feature.common
- com.ibm.teamz.dsdef.feature.server
- com.ibm.teamz.dsdef.feature.common
I then have ran the launch to generate this new database. The components list now appears OK. The errors you list in your second comment ( like "10:27:29,257 [1896116484@qtp-1533631337-2] ERROR ComponentNotInstalled - Component has not been installed in the database: com.ibm.teamz.dsdef ...")
No longer appear.
Jorge, Thanks I will try this.
Jorge, This worked to eliminate the issue with the supa components but I am still not able to connect programmatically to the Team Repository. Although the error is different. 16:53:08,884 [518659818@qtp-1097220454-54] ERROR com.ibm.team.process.common -
Hmm, don't think this has to do with EE or Jetty itself, I can debug EE code in my Jetty with no issues following this configuration. What is your extension trying to do?
when the work item state changes.
What puzzles me is that before EE was added to my Target Platform,
Found the problem! It was an error in the code. I fixed it and now I can connect to the Team Repository
One other answer
I have followed https://jazz.net/library/article/1000 and the underlying principles many times and I was always able to debug, when I managed to set up Jetty and the projects following the workflow of the workshop.
One thing you have to watch for is not to clear your workspace and the dev environment on a subsequent start. If you do this, you could loose your development/test repository. If errors happen, look into the logs.
If you connected to a Tomcat with your plugin deployed I would suggest looking into the logs as well.
Ralph I have been following https://jazz.net/library/article/1000 and a closer review of the logs has helped me get a better handle on the issue. Please note the comments to my original question.
When creating https://jazz.net/library/article/1000 I saw the issue with the selenium bundle. We had a discussion around it and it appears that the missing bundle does not break anything. What did break things for me was not following the advice to switch file encoding to UTF-8 as described in the article.
I have tried setting up using the method of the Extensions Workshop (with or without the repository containing he example code) and it successfully works for me every time. I noticed people getting into trouble if they miss certain steps or check boxes. From the information available I can not tell what your problem is. I would suggest to follow the extensions workshop with 4.0 once and make sure you get it working. Then, try a free set up (without the external repository with the example code) for any version you like. Just skip the setup of the external server (you need to install it to get the licenses tough). You can copy the workshop source and configuration over into your new workspace.
Another thought, are you trying to use enterprise extensions? In this case the 10 Free developer licenses won't work. You will have to upload real Enterprise licenses. And you micht have to check if there are additional licenses you need to import.
Andrew Soloninka
Feb 12 '13, 10:49 a.m....
Andrew Soloninka
Feb 12 '13, 12:30 p.m.It looks like the com.ibm.team.scm.tests is missing from the server. In following the workflow of the extension workshop, should I rerun the [RTCExt] Create RTC Test Database?
Andrew Soloninka
Feb 12 '13, 2:54 p.m.Tried to rerun [RTCExt] Create RTC Test Database but found that one of the features had an error. The com.ibm.team.workitem.server.test.provision.rtc.feature cannot find the org.selenium.java.client bundle