Migration of category schema
We know that the lifecycles which have the condition set as categories of schema abc will not get trigger after the deletion of abc. Also the policies which are using the categories of schema abc will fail after its deletion. So we need to fetch the following details :
1) The name of all communities and their lifecycles which are using the categories of schema abc as the condition.
2) The name of all communities and their lifecycles and states which have the policy using any category of schema abc.
3) The name of all communities and their legacy review process which have the condition as any category of schema abc.
Please let us know how can we fetch the above reports. If there is any way using web URL, DB or API, please let us know the same.
One answer
You can use rest API to get XML/json (use the proper accept header on your get, or just add .json or .xml to your url); not sure if it will work on legacy:
Get Communities:
<server url>/internal/communities
For each communities get lifecycles:
<server url>/internal/communities/<community id from above>/lifecycles
For each lifecycle:
<server url>/internal/communities/<community id>/lifecycles/<lifecycle from above>.xml
You can modify, and PUT back (helmet/gloves on).
Hi Gili,
Below 3 URLs constructed based on your input
https://<server_url>/internal/communities/<community id="1844">/lifecycles
https://<server_url>/internal/communities/<community id=1844>/lifecycles
https://<server_url>/internal/communities/<community id=1844 from="" above="">/lifecycles
XML output in the browser shows "Error getting lifcycle null for community null" in OSLC tag.
<oslc:message>Error getting lifcycle null for community null</oslc:message>
Is there any other ease option available to fetch these details ?
If yes, then please share it with more details.
Thank you
Bakiyaraj Arul
Gili's response didn't show the URL clearly enough.
It is:
where nnnn is the coummunity id, such as 1844.
In other words <community id=""> means replace everything between and including the < and > with just the given community id.
<lifecycle from="" above=""> means replace everything between and include < and > with a lifecycle id that was returned in the list of lifecycles returned from the previous URI.