Insight: Looking for the job that updates ETL_INFO table
I'm creating my own ETL job. I need to implement incremental behaviour so I want to utilize $MODIFIED_SINCE variable.
My understanding is that I need to somehow insert info about last successful run of my job into ETL_INFO table and then initialize $MODIFIED_SINCE using GetNFLastETLSuccessDateTime function.
Am I right? How could I insert data into ETL_INFO?
-thanks in advance
Accepted answer
just use a procedure node containing the user defined function: SetNFETLStatusDateTime, at the end of your job.
this function will insert data into ETL_INFO table.
you may refer to the existing jobs doing this, eg Jobs->CQJobs->ALM
this function will insert data into ETL_INFO table.
you may refer to the existing jobs doing this, eg Jobs->CQJobs->ALM
Thanks Junli! Maybe you could also comment on $RESULT variable usage?
I use following procedure:
In execution log I have:
[PROGRESS - 12:29:55] Build Node 2 'Sber_Timesheet'; succeeded
[PROGRESS - 12:29:55] Procedure Node 3 'SetFinishedTime'; reported the following:
DM-EXP-0003 An expression validation error occurred at position 3
Unknown variable '$RESULT2'.
I don't understand how I could use $RESULT variable....
right click on the build in the job, open the Properties window, the second tab 'Details', there is a text box you can define the result variable, eg. you input 'Result1', in the later procedure node, Result1 will be referred as the result of this build.