Error when saving a Test Case Result - Invalid Itemid
When she logs off and re logs back on to RQM it works. Also oddly I don't get this error. I do however have elevated rights and most of the preconditions we set-up don't apply to me.
One of our testers keeps getting the following error when she updates the "Validates" column in a Test Case Results record:
Invalid itemId _5gb4UGGEEeKqWsgxnw0uEg on step object { "actualResult": "%3Cdiv xmlns%3D%22http%3A\/\/\/1999\/xhtml%22%3E%3CDIV class%3Dstep-detail-col%3E%3C\/DIV%3E%3C\/div%3E", "comment": "Working as Designed", "elementID": "_5gb4UGGEEeKqWsgxnw0uEg", "result": "" }.
Any ideas what could be causing this?: