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getting in email notifications and not hostname

Yesterday we started getting 127* as opposed to the jazz server hostname in our email notifications, ie
Any clues why?
Thanks for your help. Cheers/Yvon
Web UI:
Id: 69
Summary: REVIEW REST Interface
Filed Against: Backlog
Status: Resolved
Any clues why?
Thanks for your help. Cheers/Yvon
4 answers

Yesterday we started getting 127* as
opposed to the jazz server hostname in our email notifications, ie
Web UI:
Id: 69
Summary: REVIEW REST Interface
Filed Against: Backlog
Status: Resolved
Any clues why?
Thanks for your help. Cheers/Yvon
In the Admin Web UI, you can configure the "Public URL Root" which will
then be taken as the base for the email notification messages.
Jazz Work Item Team