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7.0.3 Performance Update: IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next

new.png Authors: SkyeBischoff and RamnarayanKumar
Build basis: 7.0.3 GA


This report describes the performance testing done for the IBM DOORS Next (DN) 7.0.3 GA release. Testing results focus on our DOORS Next large scale environments, with integrated Global Configuration. We utilize configuration management (opt-in), global configurations, DN components, GC components, linking, view queries, and many other scenarios. This testing does not include other integrated applications like IBM Engineering Test Management, Engineering Workflow Management, Jazz Reporting Service, or Lifecycle Query Engine.

The DOORS Next performance testing goals this release were:

  • Ensure no significant DN performance regressions exist in 7.0.3 vs 7.0.2 iFix008
  • "DN Event based TRS" performance including validation and indexing did not regress
  • "DN Log based TRS" performance including validation and indexing performed comparable or better than Event based TRS
  • DN performance improvements were made for scenarios including "DN Baseline Access"

We were able to achieve our or testing goals the DN 7.0.3 release. The Regression Test Results show comparisons between DN 7.0.3 and 7.0.2 iFix008 on Oracle. You can see DN 7.0.3 page operations and transactions both ran faster with lower response times during our DN 500 concurrent user performance testing on Oracle. This was the result of many different scenario improvements to reduce resource usage and improve scenario response times.

DN Event based and Log based TRS testing also went well. Performance testing indicated there have not been any regressions to rebasing, indexing, or validation response times. We also observed small improvements in rebasing and indexing response times for the new Log based TRS feature. And DN validation worked correctly and was able to complete sucessfully using Log based TRS; incremental validation was not possible for Event based TRS in our large complex enviornment, and always failed due to pre-existing known issues in DN 7.0.2 and earlier versions. Last during our TRS testing we observed significant improvements in rebasing and indexing times when using NVME drives. Indicating it is very important the underlying storage solution for databases and LQE adequately matches the size of resources being processing.

The rest of this article is divided into these sections:

Standard disclaimer

The information in this document is distributed AS IS. The use of this information or the implementation of any of these techniques is a customer responsibility and depends on the customer’s ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer’s operational environment. While each item may have been reviewed by IBM for accuracy in a specific situation, there is no guarantee that the same or similar results will be obtained elsewhere. Customers attempting to adapt these techniques to their own environments do so at their own risk. Any pointers in this publication to external Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of these Web sites. Any performance data contained in this document was determined in a controlled environment, and therefore, the results that may be obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment.

Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multi-programming in the user’s job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here.

This testing was done as a way to compare and characterize the differences in performance between different versions of the product. The results shown here should thus be looked at as a comparison of the contrasting performance between different versions, and not as an absolute benchmark of performance.

Regression Data Shape and Workload for DN 7.0.3

For our DN Regression performance testing we used the same DOORS Next testing environment and testing methodologies outlined in the 7.0.2 iFix008 Performance Update. This gave us a good design for comparisons and monitoring potential regressions.

View Query Automation

We have complex View Query automation for 6 different views. The new views include LinkTo and LinkFrom columns and also display all of the new attributes. These views are listed below:
  • ViewPA4EnumFilterAllArtifacts - A view showing attribute columns filtered on 4 enums in the all artifacts view:
  • ViewLinkExists - A view showing artifacts that contain LinkTo or LinkFrom links
  • ViewLinkDoesNotExist - A view showing artifacts that do not have links:
  • ViewExtendedLinks - A view showing attribute columns and the extended links data:
  • ViewPABoolEnumCombo - A view showing artifacts filtered on a combination of Bool and Enum values:
  • ViewPAMultiEnumFilter - A view showing artifacts filtered on multiple enums:

Regression Workload

The updated workload is described in the following table. This indicates the percentage of user load for each scenario, as well showing which scenarios run against the stress component and which run against components with less history.
List of scripts and their proportion of the designated workload
Script Percentage Usage Target Component
ScrollModule 1.5% General
HoverArtifactEditMod 9% General
Upload4MbFileNewArtifact 2% General
CreateModArtifactComment 2% General
CopyPaste25 4% General
CreateStream 1 User General
CreateBaseline 1% General
MultiSizeDeliver_Small 8% General
MultiSizeDeliver_Large 2% General
MultiSizeDiscard_Small 4.5% General
MultiSizeDiscard_Large 2% General
ViewModuleHistory 2% General
CreateWordFromModule 1% General
HoverModuleLink 4% General
CreateLinkAndDeliver 9% General
ViewLinkExists 1.5% General
ViewLinkDoesNotExist 1.5% General
ViewPA4EnumFilterAllArtifacts 2% General
ExtendedLinks 2% General
ViewPABoolEnumCombo 2% General
ViewPAMulitEnumFilter 2% General
ScrollModule 1.5% Stress
Upload4MbFileNewArtifact 2% Stress
CreateModArtifactComment 2% Stress
CreateBaseline 1% Stress
MultiSizeDeliver_Small 8% Stress
MultiSizeDeliver_Large 2% Stress
MultiSizeDiscard_Small 4.5% Stress
MultiSizeDiscard_Large 2% Stress
ViewModuleHistory 2% Stress
CreateWordFromModule 1% Stress
ViewLinkExists 1.5% Stress
ViewLinkDoesNotExist 1.5% Stress
ViewPA4EnumFilterAllArtifacts 2% Stress
ExtendedLinks 2% Stress
ViewPABoolEnumCombo 2% Stress
ViewPAMulitEnumFilter 2% Stress

Data shapes

The data shape for 7.0.3 is made up of a large number of standard-sized components, spread across 3 standard project area sizes. When we want to increase the size of repository, we just add more of the standard projects. In addition, the test environment is enabled for configuration management, and all operations are executed within the context of a global configuration. We have 3 standard sizes for global configurations (small, medium and large).

Please note this data shape for 7.0.3 is identical to our 7.0.2 iFix008 data shape, with two exceptions: First we made some attribute modifications to help certain view queries run more consistently. Second we added support for baseline testing, which we do not outline in this article. Neither of these changes impacted our regression testing comparisons between 7.0.3 and 7.0.2 iFix008.

Artifact counts

We have 3 different standard module sizes:

  • Small (200 artifacts)
  • Medium (1500 artifacts)
  • Large (10,000 artifacts)

We use these standard module sizes to create 3 different standard components.

Artifact type Small component Medium component Large component
Number of large modules 0 0 1
Number of medium modules 0 3 0
Number of small modules 20 0 0
Total module artifacts 4200 4500 10000
Non-module artifacts 100 100 100

We use these standard components to create 3 standard size projects (small, medium, and large). Artifacts are imported via components to create our standarized shape. In the first five million artifacts, each artifact inside a module has 10 links to a matching "Linksource module artifact". This results in 44,525,000 links. The remaining six to twenty million artifacts are linked differently, with random cross component links created between artifacts with approximately two links per artifact. The number of artifacts and links for these standard projects is summarized below.

Artifact type Small project Medium project Large project
Large components 1 5 20
Medium components 6 30 120
Small components 36 180 720
Total components 43 215 860
Module artifacts 181,000 905,000 3,620,000
Non-module artifacts 4,300 21,500 86,000
Total artifacts 185,300 926,500 3,706,000
Large modules (10,000 artifacts) 1 5 20
Medium modules (1,500 artifacts) 18 90 360
Small modules (200 artifacts) 720 3,600 14,400
RM Links (artifacts x10) 1,853,000 9,265,000 37,060,000

Finally, we combine these standard projects to create repositories of varying sizes. Here is the summary of our test repositories up to 20,000,000 total artifacts.

Server Data 5m 10m 15m 20m
Large Projects 0 1 1 1
Medium Projects 1 2 2 6 10
Small Projects 15 19 23 27
Total Projects 17 22 30 38
Module Artifacts 4,525,000 8,869,000 13,213,000 17,557,000
Non-Module Artifacts 107,500 210,700 313,900 417,100
RM Links 74,346 178,076 187,851 279,104
Large modules (10,000 artifacts) 25 49 73 97
Medium modules (1,500 artifacts) 450 882 1,314 1,746
Small modules (200 artifacts) 18,000 35,280 52,560 69,840
Large Components 25 49 73 97
Medium Components 150 294 438 582
Small Components 900 1,764 2,628 3,492
Total Components 1,075 2,107 3,139 4,171
GC Components 256 511 767 1,023
Total GC Baselines 12,788 25,575 38,363 51,150
Total DNG Local Baselines 125,000 250,000 375,000 500,000
Total Links 45,250,000 53,575,000 58,100,000 62,625,000
Total Artifacts 4,835,488 9,447,009 14,947,224 18,756,265
Added/Updated Artifacts in all Baselines 486,413 953,369 1,420,325 1,984,563
Total Versioned Artifacts 5,118,913 10,033,069 14,947,225 20,885,163

Global configurations

We created global configurations (GCs) and added the DNG components as contributions. We used 4 standard sizes:

  • A tiny GC with 10 contributions
  • A small GC with 250 contributions, consisting of 25 tiny GCs
  • A medium GC with 1250 contributions, consistent of 6 small GCs
  • A large GC with 2500 contributions, consistent of 2 medium GCs

In other words, the global configurations are organized into a hierarchy. The figure below illustrates this for the small GC:


The large GC looks like this:


Regression Test Results for DN 7.0.3 testing on Oracle

Overall performance looks good and results are similar to our last published results for 7.0.2 iFix008. DN 7.0.3 released with no major performance regressions we were tracking. Our physical hardware server was able to support 500 users with reasonable response times. Our testing is based off using DOORS Next with GC and opt-in projects with configuration management. And our scenarios include complex data and a variety of queries noted in "Performance Workload". Note our testing does have some coverage gaps, does not include opt-out projects, and lacks cross product integration/linking.

General test configuration for DN 7.0.3 testing on Oracle

About this test:
  • Performed on a Linux/Oracle environment
  • Performance workload as detailed above
  • Number of contributions in global configuration: 2500
  • Number of users: 500
  • Oracle CPU utilization ~20% and Disk Busy ~60% (Oracle server memory increased to 192G)
  • RM Server utilization 70%-80%
  • Repository size: 20 million artifacts
  • One stress component with high version counts

Performance test approach for DN 7.0.3 testing on Oracle

For every test the test environment is restarted. Then, we ensure that the system is fully initialized by:
  • manually logging into all the application components
  • running the administration diagnostics,
  • opening the GC and DN UI's and perform basic actions such as opening a component from the GC project and opening a module

Once this is completed we start a performance schedule and allow it to complete the 500 user warm up and the 10 minute settle period. The test is then stopped. Warmup is repeated three times in order to properly simulate caching for a large distributed server.

At this point the recorded test is executed and all appropriate metrics gathered.

Comparison between DN 7.0.3 vs DN 7.0.2 iFix008 on Oracle

The following chart shows regression comparisons for DN 500 concurrent user performance benchmarks on Oracle of all "Page Operations" which took over one second. Response times were lower in 7.0.3 due to many scenarios having 7.0.3 development improvements, resulting in lower resource consumption and improved server health.


The next chart shows regression comparisons for DN 500 concurrent user performance benchmarks on Oracle of all "Long Running Transactions". Again transaction times were lower in 7.0.3 due to many scenarios having 7.0.3 development improvements, resulting in lower resource consumption and improved server health.


Top operations for DN 7.0.3 testing on Oracle

The following table shows all operations over one second ordered by their average response times. Most of the slow operations involve opening views that display link columns.

All transactions over one second by average response time
Operation Description Time [ms]
LinkExists Open a view that with a "Link does exist" filter 10,295
BrowseModuleWithLinks Add LinkTo and LinkFrom columns to a module view 9,749
ExtendedLinks Open a view that gathers links end point attribute data 9,287
PABoolEnumCombo Open a view that filters on multiple attribute types 8,442
PAMultiEnumFilter Open a view that filters on a multi-enum attribute 8,022
PA4EnumFilterAllArtifacts Open a view that checks pa4enum enumfilter on all artifacts view 7,504
LinkExists_Stress Open a view that with a "Link does exist" filter in the stress component 4,609
ChangeSetCreate_ConfirmCreate Create a new change set 4,451
Upload4MbFileNewArtifact_Upload4MbFile Upload 4Mb file 3,425
CreateLink_ConfirmCreateLink Confirm link creation 3,188
PAMultiEnumFilter_Stress Open a view that filters on a multi-enum attribute in the stress component 3,145
CreateLink_SelectModule Select link destination module 2,900
PABoolEnumCombo_Stress Open a view that filters on multiple attribute types in the stress component 2,842
ExtendedLinks_Stress Open a view that gathers links end point attribute data in the stress component 2,492
PA4EnumFilterAllArtifacts_Stress Open a view that checks pa4enum enumfilter on all artifacts view in stress component 2,404
CreateLink_SelectComponent Select link destination component 2,291
Upload4MbFileNewArtifact_ShowArtifacts Show artifacts list 2,191
ShowModules Show modules list 2,053
SmallDeliver_SelectInsertNewArtifactAfter Insert artifact in module 1,883
LinkDoesNotExist Open a view that with a "Link does not exist" filter 1,835
OpenModule Open selected module 1,480
HoverArtifactEditMod_DoneEdit Confirm module description edit 1,397
OpenModule_Stress Open selected module in stress component 1,375
SmallDeliver_ConfirmInsertNewArtifactAfter Confirm new artifact insert in module 1,357
CreateLink_ShowModuleList Show modules available to link 1,338
ShowArtifacts Show artifacts list 1,316
CreateLink_SelectLinkTo Select link creation type 1,294
LargeDeliver_EditAndSaveArtifact Save artifact edit in module 1,204
SmallChangeSetDeliver_OpenConfigurationMenu Open configuration menu 1,180
SelectDiscard Select changeset discard 1,098
LargeDeliver_ConfirmInsertNewArtifactAfter Confirm new artifact insert in module 1,090
SmallDeliver_EditAndSaveArtifact Save artifact edit in module 1,088
SelectDiscard_Stress Select changeset discard in stress component 1,017

Top transactions for DN 7.0.3 testing on Oracle

Some of the more complex operations (creating streams or baselines, delivering change sets, or creating reports from modules) can take longer - response times for the complex operations are listed below.
Top Large transactions by average response time
Transaction Description Time [ms]
CreateStream Create a new stream 68,263
CreateWordDoc_Stress Create a word document from a module in the stress component 60,939
CreateWordDoc Create a word document from a module 49,855
ChangeSet_FinishAndDeliverLarge Delivering a change set with the large profile 21,620
ChangeSet_FinishAndDeliverSmall_Stress Delivering a change set with the small profile in the stress component 19,537
CopyPaste25 Copying 25 artifacts and pasting in same module 19,035
ChangeSet_SelectDeliverLarge Initial deliver step with changes from large profile 16,654
ChangeSet_FinishAndDeliverSmall Delivering a change set with the small profile 16,514
ChangeSet_FinishAndDeliverLink Delivering a change set from a link generation script 14,894
ChangeSet_SelectDeliverLink Delivering a change set with the large profile 14,012
ChangeSet_SelectDeliverSmall Initial deliver step with changes from small profile 13,167
ChangeSet_SelectDeliverSmall_Stress Initial deliver step with changes from small profile in stress component 12,976
ChangeSet_SelectDeliverLarge_Stress Delivering a change set with the large profile in the stress component 12,090
ConfirmDiscard Discard changes from change set 11,698
ChangeSet_FinishAndDeliverLarge_Stress Delivering a change set with the large profile in the stress component 10,510
ConfirmDiscard_Stress Discard changes from change set in stress component 7,190
CreateBaseline_Stress Create new baseline in stress component 4,528
CreateBaseline Create new baseline 3,963

Event and Log based TRS Data Shape and Workload for DN 7.0.3

DOORS Next 7.0.3 released "Log based TRS", a new implementation of the DN TRS redesigned to be more efficient and robust. You can read more about the new TRS feature here, What’s new for IBM Engineering 7.0.3 administrators? DOORS Next TRS design changes can affect certain operations performance, related to LQE and Jazz Reporting.

The goal of our DN TRS testing was to ensure Event and Log based TRS continued to perform equally well for DN Rebase, LQE Reindex of DN, and DN Validation. For TRS testing we used two different environments. Our Oracle TRS environment with 12 million resources, primarily used for performance comparisons of Event and Log based TRS. And our DB2 TRS environment with 71 million resources, primary used for large scale performance testing of Rebase, Reindex and Validation times. Also its important to note for TRS performance testing we used 300 concurrent users, specifically because the workloads were modified with higher % "deliver scenarios" and "duplicate delivery scenarios". This modification was important to help identify potential bottlenecks in the new TRS solution. These delivery rates, specifically in the TRS DB2 workload are higher than we might expect in a typical live customer environment.

TRS Workload for DN 7.0.3 testing on Oracle

  • DN Artifacts 5 Million
  • DN Indexed Resources 12 Million (includes links)
  • 300 concurent users
  • LQE Jena
  • Primarily used for performance comparisons of Event and Log based TRS
  • Collected comparisons for Rebase, Reindex and Validation times
  • Oracle TRS hardware details

The TRS workload for DN 7.0.3 testing on Oracle is described in the following table. This indicates the percentage of user load for each scenario.

List of scripts and their proportion of the designated workload
Script Percentage Usage Target Component
ScrollModule 16% General
HoverArtifactEditMod 9% General
Upload4MbFileNewArtifact 4% General
CreateModArtifactComment 4% General
CopyPaste25 4% General
CreateStream 1 User General
CreateBaseline 2% General
MultiSizeDeliver_Small 16% General
MultiSizeDeliver_Large 4% General
MultiSizeDiscard_Small 9% General
MultiSizeDiscard_Large 4% General
ViewModuleHistory 4% General
CreateWordFromModule 2% General
BrowseModuleLinks 9% General
HoverModuleLink 4% General
CreateLinkAndDeliver 9% General

TRS Workload for DN 7.0.3 testing on DB2

  • DN Artifacts 5 Million
  • DN Indexed Resources 71 Million (includes links)
  • 300 concurent users
  • LQE relational store
  • Primary used for large scale performance testing of Rebase, Reindex and Validation times
  • DB2 TRS hardware details:

The TRS workload for DN 7.0.3 testing on DB2 is described in the following table. This indicates the percentage of user load for each scenario. The DB2 TRS workload was also run with a manual large 10k artifact ReqIf import, both inside and outside of a changeset.

List of scripts and their proportion of the designated workload
Script Percentage Usage Target Component
ScrollModule 1.5% General
HoverArtifactEditMod 4.5% General
Upload4MbFileNewArtifact 2% General
CreateModArtifactComment 2% General
CopyPaste25 2% General
CreateStream 1 User General
10kReqIfImport 1 User Manual
10kReqIfImportInsideChangeSet 1 User Manual
CreateBaseline 1% General
MultiSizeDeliver_Small 8% General
MultiSizeDeliver_Large 2% General
MultiSizeDiscard_Small 4.5% General
MultiSizeDiscard_Large 2% General
DuplicateDeliver without Baseline 25% General
DuplicateDeliver with Baseline 25% General
ViewModuleHistory 2% General
CreateWordFromModule 1% General
HoverModuleLink 2% General
CreateLinkAndDeliver 4.5% General
ViewLinkExists 1.5% General
ViewLinkDoesNotExist 1.5% General
ViewPA4EnumFilterAllArtifacts 2% General
ExtendedLinks 2% General
ViewPABoolEnumCombo 2% General
ViewPAMulitEnumFilter 2% General

Event and Log based TRS test results for DN 7.0.3

As of DN 7.0.3 GA our Event and Log based TRS testing showed healthy performance results. Comparing the Event and Log based solution, we can consistently see Log based ran equal or better for Rebase, Reindex and Validation times.

Our DB2 Log based testing with 71 million resources demonstrated hosting the LQE Relational Store database on a large NVME drive array can be highly beneficial. When trying this same test with our typical 16 drive SAS array, our 71 million resource environment would take five to ten times longer to complete Rebase and Reindex operations. Indicating it is very important the underlying storage solution for databases and LQE adequately matches the size of resources being processing.

Full Rebase

Time required to rebase DN. This operation is required to switch to the new Log based TRS implementation. We can see here our 24 NVME drive array performed well and kept rebase under two days for our 71 Million resource environment.

  Oracle Event Based Oracle Log Based DB2 Log Based
Storage Raid 1 - 6.4TB NVME x 2 Raid 1 - 6.4TB NVME x 2 Raid 10 - 800GB NVME x 24
Indexed Resources 12 Million 12 Million 71 Million
Duration 21  hours 13 mins 11 hours 24 mins 34 hours 20 mins


Time required to reindex the DN resources into LQE. This operation is required to switch to the new Log based TRS implementation. Here our 24 NVME drive array again performed great, and significantly reduced the indexing time to process 71 million resources. 24 drives processed 71 million resources in the same time 2 drives processed 12 Million.

  Oracle Event Based Oracle Log Based DB2 Log Based
Storage Raid 1 - 6.4TB NVME x 2 Raid 1 - 6.4TB NVME x 2 Raid 10 - 800GB NVME x 24
Indexed Resources 12 Million 12 Million 71 Million
Base Process 2 days 21 hours 23 mins 2 days 14 hours 35 mins 2 days 22 hours 27 mins
Removal Process 9 mins 9 mins 16 mins
Compaction 30 hours 20 hours Not Collected

TRS Validation

Time required to Validate DN resources in our environments. "Initial Validation" is the first validation without any validation cache. "Unchanged Incremental Validation" is our second validation done with the validation cache in place, but without making changes to the repository. "Changed Incremental Validation" is our third validation done after running approximately 6 hours of performance workloads against the server, with the validation cache in place. Note Event based TRS results were not fully collected due to some defects in in the Event based TRS design, which prevented accurate validations inside of our environment.

  Oracle Event Based Oracle Log Based DB2 Log Based
Storage Raid 1 - 6.4TB NVME x 2 Raid 1 - 6.4TB NVME x 2 Raid 10 - 800GB NVME x 24
Indexed Resources 12 Million 12 Million 71 Million
Initial Validation 2 days 9 hours 1 day 10 hours 15 mins 3 days 5 hours 10 mins
Unchanged Incremental Validation Not Collected 2 hours 23 mins 34 hours 0 mins
Changed Incremental Validation Not Collected 7 hours 15 mins 43 hours 0 mins

Appendix - Additional details

Oracle regression test environment for DN 7.0.3 testing

Role Server Number of machines Machine type Processor Total processors Memory Storage Network interface OS and version
Proxy Server IBM HTTP Server and WebSphere Plugin 1 IBM System x3550 M3 2 x Intel Xeon X5667 3.07 GHz (quad-core) 16 32 GB RAID 5 – 279GB SAS Disk x 4 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)
RM server Embedded WebSphere Liberty 1 IBM System x3550 M4 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz (six-core) 24 64 GB RAID 5 – 279GB SAS Disk x 4 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)
Jazz Team Server and Global Configuration Server Embedded WebSphere Liberty 1 IBM System x3550 M4 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz (six-core) 24 32 GB RAID 5 – 279GB SAS Disk x 4 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)
Database Oracle 19c Enterprise Edition 1 IBM System SR650 2 x Xeon Silver 4114 10C 2.2GHz  (ten-core) 40 192 GB RAID 10 – 900GB SAS Disk x 16 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8 (Ootpa)

Storage details are below. See Disk benchmarking for more details on I/O benchmarking.

RAID controller Lenovo RAID 930-16i 4GB flash
RAID mode RAID10
RAM (G) 64
Total disks 14
Spans 7
Disks per span 2
Drive speed (Gbps) 12
Strip size (Kbyte) 256
Logical sector size (bytes) 512
Caching mode Write-back
Disk type 900G Lenovo ST900MP0146
Spin rate (rpm) 15000
Calibrate_io - IOPS 6896
Calibrate_io - Mbps 449
Sysbench random r/w  
* IOPS 989
* Read MiB/s 4.1
* Write MiB/s 2.7
Sysbench sequential read  
* IOPS 15280
* Read MiB/s 239

Oracle TRS test environment for DN 7.0.3 testing

  • DN Artifacts 5 Million
  • DN Indexed Resources 12 Million (includes links)
  • LQE Jena

Role Server Number of machines Machine type Processor Total processors Memory Storage Network interface OS and version
Proxy Server IBM HTTP Server and WebSphere Plugin 1 IBM System x3550 M3 2 x Intel Xeon X5667 3.07 GHz (quad-core) 8 16 GB RAID 5 – 279GB SAS Disk x 4 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)
RM server Embedded WebSphere Liberty 1 IBM System x3550 M4 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz (six-core) 24 64 GB RAID 5 – 279GB SAS Disk x 4 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)
Jazz Team Server and Global Configuration Server Embedded WebSphere Liberty 1 IBM System x3550 M4 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz (six-core) 24 32 GB RAID 5 – 279GB SAS Disk x 4 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)
LQE Jena Server Embedded WebSphere Liberty 1 IBM System x3550 M4 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz (six-core) 24 128 GB RAID 1 – 6.4TB NVMe Mainstream Drive x 2 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)
Database Oracle 19c 1 IBM System x3650 M4 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz (six-core) 24 64 GB RAID 10 – 300GB SAS Disk x 16 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)

DB2 TRS test environment for DN 7.0.3 testing

  • DN Artifacts 5 Million
  • DN Indexed Resources 71 Million (includes links)
  • LQE Relational Store

Role Server Number of machines Machine type Processor Total processors Memory Storage Network interface OS and version
Proxy Server IBM HTTP Server and WebSphere Plugin 1 IBM System x3550 M3 2 x Intel Xeon X5667 3.07 GHz (quad-core) 8 16 GB RAID 5 – 279GB SAS Disk x 4 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)
RM server Embedded WebSphere Liberty 1 IBM System x3550 M4 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz (six-core) 24 32 GB RAID 5 – 279GB SAS Disk x 4 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)
Jazz Team Server and Global Configuration Server Embedded WebSphere Liberty 1 IBM System x3550 M4 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz (six-core) 24 32 GB RAID 5 – 279GB SAS Disk x 4 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)
Database DB2 11.5 Advanced Edition 1 IBM System x3650 M4 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz (six-core) 24 64 GB RAID 10 – 300GB SAS Disk x 16 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)
LQE Server Embedded WebSphere Liberty 1 IBM System x3650 M4 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz (six-core) 24 128 GB RAID 5 – 279GB SAS Disk x 4 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 (Maipo)
LQE Relational Store Database DB2 11.5 Advanced Edition 1 Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 V2 2 x Xeon Silver 4114 10C 2.2GHz (ten-core) 40 768 GB RAID 10 – 800GB NVME Mainstream x 24 Gigabit Ethernet Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8 (Ootpa)

WebSphere Liberty Java memory settings and ELM admin settings

Note in 7.0.3 Liberty Java startup memory settings have been updated to reflect optimal memory settings for Java 11:

  • -Xmx24G -Xms24G -Xmn4G -Xgcpolicy:gencon
  • -Dcom.ibm.rdm.configcache.expiration=5040
  • -Dcom.ibm.rdm.configcache.size=5000
  • In rm/admin and gc/admin:
    • Maximum number of contributions per composite: 5000
    • JDBC connection pool: 400
    • RDB Mediator pool: 400
    • Maximum outgoing HTTP connections per destination: 400
    • Maximum outgoing HTTP connections total: 500
  • In rm/admin:
    • View query threadpool size override: 500
    • Maximum number of changesets allowed for processing: 550000
    • Note increasing the "maximum number of changesets allowed to process" will allow larger changesets to be committed. But we are aware of some performance problems which can occur when trying to process extremely large changesets with over 60k changes.


Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Pngpng 702iFix008vs703PageOperationComparison.png manage 121.3 K 2024-03-25 - 12:24 SkyeBischoff 702 iFix008 vs 703 DN 500 user performance workload Page Operation Comparison in ms
Pngpng 702iFix008vs703TransactionComparison.png manage 44.5 K 2024-03-25 - 12:24 SkyeBischoff 702 iFix008 vs 703 DN 500 user performance workload Transaction comparison in ms
Pngpng ExtendedLinks.png manage 12.6 K 2024-01-29 - 13:14 SkyeBischoff  
Pngpng GCHierarchy.png manage 56.3 K 2024-03-25 - 01:39 SkyeBischoff DN 7.0.3 GC Hierarchy Overview
Pngpng GCHierarchy2.png manage 60.5 K 2024-03-25 - 01:40 SkyeBischoff DN 7.0.3 GC Hierarchy Details
Pngpng LinkDoesNotExist.png manage 14.7 K 2024-01-29 - 13:14 SkyeBischoff  
Pngpng LinkExists.png manage 13.3 K 2024-01-29 - 13:14 SkyeBischoff  
Pngpng PABoolEnumCombo.png manage 10.3 K 2024-01-29 - 13:14 SkyeBischoff  
Pngpng PAMultiEnumFilter.png manage 9.2 K 2024-01-29 - 13:14 SkyeBischoff  
Pngpng ViewPA4EnumFilterAllArtifacts.png manage 12.0 K 2024-01-29 - 13:14 SkyeBischoff  
This topic: Deployment > WebHome > DeploymentPlanningAndDesign > PerformanceDatasheetsAndSizingGuidelines > PerformanceDoorsNext703
History: r21 - 2024-03-26 - 05:29:28 - SkyeBischoff
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