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Multiple CCM Applications - Best Practicesnew.png

Authors: Ralph Schoon, Tim Feeney
Build basis: None.

Page contents

This document collects best practices to work with Multiple CCM applications in large size enterprise deployment topologies.


Sizing should be one of the continuously performed activities when keeping tools in operation. Servers can only maintain certain loads and back up becomes challenging as data size grows. It is a best practice to plan for the growth potential of your deployment. If the expected amount of concurrent users exceeds the amount that the server can handle, consider using multiple CCM instances.

The best practices document is attached for download.

Related topics: Deployment web home, Deployment web home

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Additional contributors: TWikiUser, TWikiUser

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Pdfpdf MULTIPLE_CCM_Best_Practices_V8.pdf manage 1369.1 K 2016-08-23 - 09:32 RalphSchoon Best Practices Working With Multiple CCM Applications
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