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Installing, updating, and scripting installations for IBM Installation Manager

Authors: MarkGuertin
Build basis: IBM Installation Manager

Installing, updating, and scripting installations for IBM Installation Manager

Level: Intermediate


Installing IBM Installation Manager
Updating the installed IBM Installation Manager
Creating response files to silently install packages
Running IBM Installation Manager in clean mode and temporary mode
Installing packages
Installing package licenses
Modifying packages
Updating all installed packages
Uninstalling packages
Uninstalling IBM Installation Manager


The following article describes how to install and update IBM(R) Installation Manager, as well as how to use it to install and update packages using Windows(R) scripts.

Installing and Updating IBM Installation Manager

First of all, you should understand the difference between these two items:

  • IBM Installation Manager Kit: The kit provides a directory that contains an instance of IBM Installation Manager that installs the IBM Installation Manager. The file that starts Installation Manager is named installc.exe.
  • IBM Installation Manager: This item is the installed version of IBM Installation Manager used for all package management (install, uninstall, ...). The default install directory for Windows is the C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager directory.

You must use the IBM Installation Manager Kit to install IBM Installation Manager on a client computer. You can also use the IBM Installation Manager Kit to update it. If an older version of IBM Installation Manager is installed, the IBM Installation Manager Kit can update the IBM Installation Manager to that version. If the version of the installed IBM Installation Manager is the same as that of the IBM Installation Manager Kit or newer, the IBM Installation Manager on the system will stay the same. The following fragment is from the main installation script:

@set HOME=%~dp0%
@set INSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager

echo Assert Installation Manager installed. It will be installed 
echo to the %INSTALLDIR% if it is not yet installed
@call %HOME%\assertInstaller.bat

The following fragment runs the IBM Installation Manager kit to install the Installation Manager. The following fragment shows the content of the assertInstaller.bat script:

:: 	This script runs IBM Installation Manager installer

@if exist %HOME%\InstallerImage\installc.exe (	  
	echo Running IBM Installation Manager installer 
	%HOME%\InstallerImage\installc.exe -acceptLicense
 ) else (
	echo IBM Installation Manager installer has not been found   

Note: To pass the installation location to IBM Installation Manager, you can use -installationDirectory flag option in installc command. e.g.

installc.exe -installationLocation C:\MyInstallDir\MyIM -acceptLicense

Also, you need to add -acceptLicense option to state that you agree with the Term of Use of IBM Installation Manager.

Creating response files to silently install packages

  1. Use Installation Manager with the –record option to create a response file; you do not have to install a package.
  2. Select all the desired options, and start the package installation.

    Note: You can record a response file without installing or uninstalling a product by adding the optional -skipInstall <agentDataLocation> argument. Note that <agentDataLocation> must be a writable directory.

    The argument causes Installation Manager to save the installation data without installing the product. You can use the same <agentDataLocation> in the next recording session to record updates or modifications to the product, or to record license management. Note that the products installed or any preferences, including repository settings, that you set during installation without using the -skipInstall argument are not stored. Using -skipInstall makes the installation faster because Installation Manager is not installing the product, it is only recording the installation data.

    If you need to record an installation session of Installation Manager, you must add the following argument to the recording command line: -vmargs -Dcom.ibm.cic.agent.hidden=false.

  3. The following fragment sets the IBM Installation Manager launcher and starts a recording session:

    @set HOME=%~dp0%
    @set INSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager
    mkdir %HOME%\sessions\
    :: 	This script sets IBM Installation Manager launcher
    @if exist "%INSTALLDIR%"\eclipse\IBMIMc.exe (
    	echo IBM Installation Manager has been detected
    	"%INSTALLDIR%"\eclipse\IBMIMc.exe -record %HOME%\sessions\input.xml -skipInstall %HOME%\sessions\IM_DATA

  4. After you close Installation Manager, the response file is stored to the location that you specified during its creation.

Running IBM Installation Manager in clean mode and temporary mode

The following fragment is an example of setting clean and temporary modes in a recorded response file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<agent-input clean='true' temporary='false'>

If the clean option is set to false, which is the default setting, Installation Manager uses the repository and other preferences from the response file in addition to the existing Installation Manager settings. If a preference is specified in both the response file and the current Installation Manager settings, the response file takes precedence.

If the clean option is set to true, Installation Manager uses the repository and other preferences from the response file; the existing Installation Manager preference settings are not used. If a preference has a default value and it is not specified in the response file, the default value is used.

If the temporary option is set to true, the setting that Installation Manager uses in the current silent installation session is not persisted.

If the temporary option is set to false, which is the default setting, the setting that Installation Manager uses in the current silent installation session is persisted.

Installing packages

You can use IBM Installation Manager to install packages, and use IBM Packaging Utility to copy a package to your local repository.

  1. You must create an Installation Manager response file, which you can use to silently install a recorded installation of a package. See Creating response files to silently install packages.

    The output is a typical response file that you need to make minor changes to. Reference the following example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <agent-input clean='true' temporary='true' acceptLicense='true'>
              <repository location='[Your repository location]'/>
         <profile id='IBM Software Development Platform' 
             installLocation='C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70'>
              <data key='eclipseLocation' value='C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70'/>
              <data key='cic.selector.nl' value='en'/>
         <install modify='false'>
            <offering features='com.ibm.rad.sdpcore,com.ibm.rad.jre' 
            profile='IBM Software Development Platform'/>
         <preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.eclipseCache' 
         				value='C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70Shared'/>
         <!-- this prevents the Installation Manager from searching the repositories 
                 contributed by the packages which typically refer to update sites on 
                 the internet
         <preference name='offering.service.repositories.areUsed' value='false'/>

  2. Install the package by calling the installed IBM Installation Manager Command Line Tool with the input option. The following fragment calls the setInstallationManager function to set the IBM Installation Manager silent launcher.

    NOTE: Never use the IBM Installation Manager kit for installing packages. Always use the installed IBM Installation Manager

    The following fragment is from the main installation script:

    :::::::::::::::::::::::: MAIN SCRIPT FRAGMENT ::::::::::::::::::::::::	
    echo Install Rational Application Developer
    @call :setInstallationManager
    call %IM_LAUNCHER% input "%HOME%\rad_install.xml" -acceptLicense
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::: MAIN SCRIPT FRAGMENT ENDS :::::::::::::::::
    :: 	Function to set IBM Installation Manager launcher
     @if exist "%INSTALLDIR%"\eclipse\tools\imcl.exe (
    	echo IBM Installation Manager has been detected 
    	@set IM_LAUNCHER="%INSTALLDIR%"\eclipse\tools\imcl.exe 
     ) else (
    	echo IBM Installation Manager has not been detected 
    	@goto END

    Note: The setInstallationManager function is used in all subsequent script examples. Typically, script functions are placed at the very end of a script file. To prevent the main script from going into the function body, the main script should either exit beforehand or should skip the functions block by using the GOTO command.

Installing package licenses

After you install a package, you can install a package license.

  1. You must create an Installation Manager response file, which you can use to silently install a recorded installation of a package. See Creating response files to silently install packages.

    The output is a typical response file that you need to make minor changes to. Reference the following example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <agent-input clean='true' temporary='true' acceptLicense='true'>
              <repository location='[Your license jar location]'/>
         <install modify='false'>
            <offering id='com.ibm.rad.pek'/>
         <preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.eclipseCache' 
         				value='C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70Shared'/>
         <!-- this prevents the Installation Manager from searching the repositories 
                 contributed by the packages which typically refer to update sites on 
                 the internet
         <preference name='offering.service.repositories.areUsed' value='false'/>

  2. Install the package license by calling IBM Installation Manager Command Line Tool with the input option. The following fragment calls the setInstallationManager function to set the IBM Installation Manager silent launcher. The following fragment is from the main installation script:

    :::::::::::::::::::::::: MAIN SCRIPT FRAGMENT ::::::::::::::::::::::::	
    echo Install License Key for Rational Application Developer
    @call :setInstallationManager
    call %IM_LAUNCHER% input "%HOME%\rad_license_install.xml" -acceptLicense

Modifying packages

You can use IBM Installation Manager to install or uninstall certain features of packages.

  1. You must create an Installation Manager response file, which you can use to silently install a recorded installation of a package. See Creating response files to silently install packages.

    This is an example of a response file that installs a feature of a package. The following example uses IBM Rational Application Developer

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <agent-input clean='true' temporary='true'>
    <repository location='[Your repository location]'/>
    <profile id='IBM Software Development Platform' installLocation='C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70'>
    <data key='eclipseLocation' value='C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70'/>
    <data key='cic.selector.nl' value='en'/>
    <install modify='true'>
    	<offering features='com.ibm.rad.webtools_core' id='com.ibm.rational.application.developer' 
    				 profile='IBM Software Development Platform'/>
    <preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.eclipseCache' value='C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70Shared'/>
    <!-- this prevents the Installation Manager from searching the repositories 
            contributed by the packages which typically refer to update sites on 
            the internet
    <preference name='offering.service.repositories.areUsed' value='false'/>

    This is an example of a response file that uninstalls a feature of a package. The following example uses IBM Rational Application Developer

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <agent-input clean='true' temporary='true'>
    <repository location='[Your repository location]'/>
    <profile id='IBM Software Development Platform' installLocation='C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70'>
    <data key='eclipseLocation' value='C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70'/>
    <data key='cic.selector.nl' value='en'/>
    <uninstall modify='true'>
    	<offering features='com.ibm.rad.webtools_core' id='com.ibm.rational.application.developer' 
    				 profile='IBM Software Development Platform'/>
    <preference name='com.ibm.cic.common.core.preferences.eclipseCache' value='C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70Shared'/>
    <!-- this prevents the Installation Manager from searching the repositories 
            contributed by the packages which typically refer to update sites on 
            the internet
    <preference name='offering.service.repositories.areUsed' value='false'/>

  2. Modify the package by calling IBM Installation Manager Command Line Tool with the input option. The following fragment calls the setInstallationManager function to set the IBM Installation Manager silent launcher. The following fragment is from the main installation script:

    :::::::::::::::::::::::: MAIN SCRIPT FRAGMENT ::::::::::::::::::::::::	
    echo Modify (install feature) of Rational Application Developer
    @call :setInstallationManager
    call %IM_LAUNCHER% input "%HOME%\rad_modify_install.xml" -acceptLicense

Updating all installed packages

At the end of your main script, you can add a call to Installation Manager to update all the currently installed packages.

  1. Use the following response file to update Installation Manager, and replace [Your repository location] with your actual repository location. This repository should be available to the computer that you will use to access it.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <agent-input clean='true' temporary='true' acceptLicense='true'>
    	<repository location='[Your repository location]'/>
    <!-- this prevents the Installation Manager from searching the repositories 
            contributed by the packages which typically refer to update sites on 
            the internet
    <preference name='offering.service.repositories.areUsed' value='false'/>

  2. The following fragment calls the setInstallationManager function to set the IBM Installation Manager silent launcher. The following fragment is from the main installation script:

    :::::::::::::::::::::::: MAIN SCRIPT FRAGMENT ::::::::::::::::::::::::	
    echo Update all currently installed packages
    @call :setInstallationManager
    call %IM_LAUNCHER% input "%HOME%\updateAll.xml" -acceptLicense

Uninstalling packages

You can use IBM Installation Manager to uninstall packages.

  1. You must create an Installation Manager response file, which you can use to silently uninstall a package. See Creating response files to silently install packages.

    This is an example of a response file that uninstalls a package. The following example uses IBM Rational Application Developer

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <agent-input clean='true' temporary='true'>
    <uninstall modify='false'>
    	<offering id='com.ibm.rational.application.developer' profile='IBM Software Development Platform'/>
    	<!-- this prevents the Installation Manager from searching the repositories 
    	        contributed by the packages which typically refer to update sites on 
                the internet
    	<preference name='offering.service.repositories.areUsed' value='false'/>

  2. Uninstall the package by calling IBM Installation Manager Command Line Tool with the input option. The following fragment calls the setInstallationManager function to set the IBM Installation Manager silent launcher. The following fragment is from the main installation script:

    :::::::::::::::::::::::: MAIN SCRIPT FRAGMENT ::::::::::::::::::::::::	
    echo Uninstall Rational Application Developer
    @call :setInstallationManager
    call %IM_LAUNCHER% input "%HOME%\rad_uninstall.xml"

Uninstalling IBM Installation Manager

You must use the IBM Installation Manager uninstaller to uninstall IBM Installation Manager on a client computer.

The following fragment uses the uninstallInstallationManager function to uninstall the IBM Installation Manager. The following fragment is from the main installation script:

::::::::::::::::::::::::: MAIN SCRIPT BEGINS :::::::::::::::::::::::::

echo Uninstall Installation Manager
@call :uninstallInstallationManager
@goto END


:::::::::::::::::::::::::: MAIN SCRIPT ENDS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::

:: 	Function to run IBM Installation Manager uninstaller
 @if exist "%INSTALLDIR%"\eclipse\IBMIMc.exe (
	echo Uninstalling IBM Installation Manager
	"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\Installation Manager\uninstall\uninstallc.exe"
	 --launcher.ini "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\Installation Manager\uninstall\
 ) else (
	echo IBM Installation Manager has not been detected 
  @goto END

Note: Typically, script functions are placed at the very end of a script file. To prevent the main script from going into the function body, the main script should either exit beforehand or should skip the functions block by using GOTO command.

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