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CLM Managed Beans Overview todo.png

Authors: Richard Watts, Vishwanath Ramaswamy, Vaughn Rokosz
Build basis: 6.0.5 and Later

This document outlines the managed beans available in the CLM product suite.

CLM Managed Beans

As part of improving the CLM serviceability, we added several classes of managed bean to help give administrators a complete picture of what is happening in the system. To leverage these managed beans, it is helpful to understand the basic architecture and the serviceability strategy that we used to approach the problem.

Below (figure 1) is a high level diagram of the CLM architecture. Several of the applications share a common development framework, called the Jazz Application Foundation SDK. The managed beans that have been built have been built as part of this SDK so all applications that are built on top of it get these managed beans by default. For parts of the CLM suite that are not built on this framework, they have to build their managed beans from scratch.


figure 1. The High Level CLM Architecture Overview

As the diagram shows, several applications (tan boxes) share a common framework and these applications have managed beans. JTS, RTC, RQM, RDNG, RDM, and GC all have managed beans.

Now that you understand what applications have managed beans, consider the Service Invocation Architecture described in figure 2 and the recommended attributes that should be considered when monitoring the overall application health.

Service Invocation Architecture

figure 2. Jazz Service Invocation Architecture

In addition to those attributes that we recommend monitoring, there are optional attributes that you might want to consider as well, which we show you in figure 3.

Service Invocation Architecture - optional managed beans

figure 3. Jazz Service Invocation Architecture - Optional Managed Beans

Enabling CLM Managed Beans

The managed beans are not enabled by default out of the box. You need to consider your monitoring strategy and only turn on those managed beans you will actually consume. These managed beans are enabled through the advanced properties admin UI. To turn them on, you would locate the background task in the table below and enable it by setting the enable property to true. It is recommended that you take the default values because these have been carefully considered and tuned for optimal efficiency.

https://<< host:port >>/<< context root >>/admin#action=com.ibm.team.repository.admin.configureAdvanced

Background Tasks

Managed beans are enabled through scheduled background tasks. These tasks enable one or more managed beans in specific categories.

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Pngpng CLM_Architecture.png manage 126.4 K 2018-07-11 - 09:59 RichardWatts  
Pngpng CLM_Serviceability_Strategy1.png manage 162.0 K 2018-07-11 - 10:00 RichardWatts  
Pngpng CLM_Serviceability_Strategy2.png manage 105.7 K 2018-07-11 - 09:59 RichardWatts  
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