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Using CQ Bridge integration: How can I define what record type to use when creating a defect through RQM?

Sandra Bellon (378) | asked Jan 21 '13, 2:56 p.m.
 Hi everyone,

I found this question in the forum:

"I have successfully integrated RQM to CQWeb, however, when I go to create a new defect it is creating a Support Request instead. Where can I define what record type to create through RQM? It is currently creating a Support Request and we would like it to open as a Defect. "

The answer
Bing Dong Macommented Jun 14 '12, 10:14 p.m.
Right, it open whatever is set as default in ClearQuest. If several types are set as default, then the first default type is been used. You could have a try to set Defect type as default to see whether it works.


I have the same problem. Please could you tell me if this is possible or not yet?

We have installed RQM 4.0 and CQ 7.1.2

Thanks in advance

One answer

permanent link
Vidya Malkarnekar (1.0k15) | answered Mar 20 '13, 9:24 p.m.
 CQ bridge will use  the default record type in clearquest. You can open up the clearquest schema in designer and
change the default record type to "Defect" instead of "Support requrest". 

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