Using CQ Bridge integration: How can I define what record type to use when creating a defect through RQM?

Hi everyone,
I found this question in the forum:
"I have successfully integrated RQM to CQWeb, however, when I go to create a new defect it is creating a Support Request instead. Where can I define what record type to create through RQM? It is currently creating a Support Request and we would like it to open as a Defect. "
The answer
Bing Dong Macommented Jun 14 '12, 10:14 p.m.
Right, it open whatever is set as default in ClearQuest. If several types are set as default, then the first default type is been used. You could have a try to set Defect type as default to see whether it works.
I have the same problem. Please could you tell me if this is possible or not yet?
We have installed RQM 4.0 and CQ 7.1.2
Thanks in advance