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Build appears Unassigned in test suite results list

Leandro David (721719) | asked Jan 15 '13, 7:28 p.m.
When I add the Build column in the Test Suite Results list inside Execution>Test Suite Results the values for the Build Column are shown as Unassigned but in fact when I open the Test Suite Result, there do exist a build assigned to it.

The same happens when I try to group by build.

My goal is to list execution results by build and export a PDF report.

Do I need any special configuration? Any chance that this is a defect?

Using RQM 4.01

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Leandro David (721719) | answered Jan 18 '13, 10:36 a.m.
Also found that when a Test Suite Result state goes from Draft  to >Ready for Review > Approved  the build also appears as Unassigned when I open the Test Suite Result. But if I reopen it so it goes back to Draft state, the build is present again. Definitely there is some problem retrieving the build associated to a TS Result in some situations.

Any tips ?

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