Where are the new reports for 1.0.1?
I have successfully upgraded my client and server to 1.0.1 and was particularly interested in looking at the new "Story Points Remaining" report that has been added. However, I can't see this report anywhere in either the eclipse client or the web client.
Is there something I need to do to enable or import the new 1.0.1 reports?
I have successfully upgraded my client and server to 1.0.1 and was particularly interested in looking at the new "Story Points Remaining" report that has been added. However, I can't see this report anywhere in either the eclipse client or the web client.
Is there something I need to do to enable or import the new 1.0.1 reports?
11 answers
wainwmr wrote:
Hi Mark,
By design, the lineup of report templates can (and does) differ from
project area to project area. When you create a project area, the
process template specifies the reports that gets deployed as part of the
creation process. A by-product of that is that when we introduce new
reports *you* need to add them to your project areas if you want them.
In addition, for reports that you already have (and which we may have
modified or improved in the latest version) you'll need to update the
content of these reports in your project areas.
Fortunately both of these things are easy to do.
1. To update the content of the existing reports, open the rich client.
Open the Team Artifacts view and expand your project area. Expand
Reports, right-click on Report Templates, and select "Update from
Folder...". Browse to your local RTC installation and select the
"com.ibm.team.examples.reports.common" folder from the plug-ins list
(this is where we ship the report templates).
2. To add a new report to your existing project area, open the rich
client. Open the Team Artifacts view and expand your project area.
Expand Reports, right-click on Report Templates, and select "New >
Report Template...". Enter a name (e.g. "Story Points Remaining"),
specify whether the report template is Shared with others (probably
yes), and browse for the contents. Again, browse to your local RTC
installation and select the "com.ibm.team.examples.reports.common"
folder, and find the .rptdesign file for that report. Leave the
"Supports data caching" checkbox checked. After pressing OK, right-click
on the new report template in the Team Artifacts view, and select
"Create Report...". Select a folder for the new report to be created in,
and press OK. You're done. Do this for each of the new reports that
you'd like to use.
Hope this helps.
Jazz Reports Team Lead
I have successfully upgraded my client and server to 1.0.1 and was
particularly interested in looking at the new "Story Points
Remaining" report that has been added. However, I can't see
this report anywhere in either the eclipse client or the web client.
Is there something I need to do to enable or import the new 1.0.1
Hi Mark,
By design, the lineup of report templates can (and does) differ from
project area to project area. When you create a project area, the
process template specifies the reports that gets deployed as part of the
creation process. A by-product of that is that when we introduce new
reports *you* need to add them to your project areas if you want them.
In addition, for reports that you already have (and which we may have
modified or improved in the latest version) you'll need to update the
content of these reports in your project areas.
Fortunately both of these things are easy to do.
1. To update the content of the existing reports, open the rich client.
Open the Team Artifacts view and expand your project area. Expand
Reports, right-click on Report Templates, and select "Update from
Folder...". Browse to your local RTC installation and select the
"com.ibm.team.examples.reports.common" folder from the plug-ins list
(this is where we ship the report templates).
2. To add a new report to your existing project area, open the rich
client. Open the Team Artifacts view and expand your project area.
Expand Reports, right-click on Report Templates, and select "New >
Report Template...". Enter a name (e.g. "Story Points Remaining"),
specify whether the report template is Shared with others (probably
yes), and browse for the contents. Again, browse to your local RTC
installation and select the "com.ibm.team.examples.reports.common"
folder, and find the .rptdesign file for that report. Leave the
"Supports data caching" checkbox checked. After pressing OK, right-click
on the new report template in the Team Artifacts view, and select
"Create Report...". Select a folder for the new report to be created in,
and press OK. You're done. Do this for each of the new reports that
you'd like to use.
Hope this helps.
Jazz Reports Team Lead
I'm VERY new to reports in Jazz and am starting from scratch (thus my questions may seem basic).
You state:
1. To update the content of the existing reports, open the rich client.
Open the Team Artifacts view and expand your project area. Expand
Reports, right-click on Report Templates, and select "Update from
Folder...". Browse to your local RTC installation and select the
"com.ibm.team.examples.reports.common" folder from the plug-ins list
(this is where we ship the report templates).
When I right-click on Report Templates I don't see "Update from Folder"
Also, when I browse my RTC client installation there is no com.ibm.team.examples.reports.common folder
I'm running RTC 1.0 build 20080618-1642 ... should I get a newer client and find that it will match all the online docs better ?
I'm VERY new to reports in Jazz and am starting from scratch (thus my questions may seem basic).
You state:
1. To update the content of the existing reports, open the rich client.
Open the Team Artifacts view and expand your project area. Expand
Reports, right-click on Report Templates, and select "Update from
Folder...". Browse to your local RTC installation and select the
"com.ibm.team.examples.reports.common" folder from the plug-ins list
(this is where we ship the report templates).
When I right-click on Report Templates I don't see "Update from Folder"
Also, when I browse my RTC client installation there is no com.ibm.team.examples.reports.common folder
I'm running RTC 1.0 build 20080618-1642 ... should I get a newer client and find that it will match all the online docs better ?
I just tried this a few minutes ago in my RTC 1.0.1 install. After selecting the indicated folder (which I also had in the IBMIMSHARED\plugins directory, not in TeamConcert), the progress bar runs for a second or two and then goes away, and I do not have any report templates listed.
I then selected "New Report Template" and picked one of the .rptdesign files in that reports.common folder, and it *did* import, and now shows up as the only report under "Report Templates." So What might have happened when trying to import all of them?
Mike Johnson
I then selected "New Report Template" and picked one of the .rptdesign files in that reports.common folder, and it *did* import, and now shows up as the only report under "Report Templates." So What might have happened when trying to import all of them?
Mike Johnson
Notice also that the reports when deployed need two resources to be attached:
Use the above two strings as keys for the resources and browse to the actual location of the files: they are located under com.ibm.team.examples.reports.common/shared.
Use the above two strings as keys for the resources and browse to the actual location of the files: they are located under com.ibm.team.examples.reports.common/shared.
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