When will Eclipse 3.7.x or later be used for Rational Functional Tester?
2 answers
Hi Daniel,
Currently i am using RFT 8.2.2 version. i dont know why you want to use ecilpse as RFT itself provides plateform to code and write the test script.
My team uses Gradle (build tool) and the plugin for Eclipse doesn't work with RFT, at least not the version based on Eclipse 3.6.2. (I have created an issue at jira.springsource.org; SpringSource is the company that is developing the plugin).
Also, a lot has happened since Eclipse 3.6 Helios (released 2010-06). Current version is 4.2 Juno (2012-06) and 4.3 Kepler is planned for release 2013-06. Perhaps it's time for a update? or not?