Can anyone provide a link to a basic-how-to for performing basic functions in IBM Rational Composer?

One answer

Hi William,
Assuming you are after tutorials for Rational Method Composer, I believe following link explains about method contents.
If you cannot find what you are after, here is the list of basic instructions for overall RMC.!/wiki/W6b0a089a62f3_4493_bcc1_ebe60a2ebb41/page/Getting%20Started%20with%20RMC
Hope it helps.
Assuming you are after tutorials for Rational Method Composer, I believe following link explains about method contents.
If you cannot find what you are after, here is the list of basic instructions for overall RMC.!/wiki/W6b0a089a62f3_4493_bcc1_ebe60a2ebb41/page/Getting%20Started%20with%20RMC
Hope it helps.
Donald Nong
Dec 07 '16, 8:35 p.m.There is no such thing as "Rational Composer". Based on what you described, I guess you mean Rational Method Composer? Is it correct? Anyway, change it to the correct term so that others can understand.