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Moving component from one stream to another

Tao Weng (7824) | asked Jan 11 '13, 10:34 a.m.

I have two streams (stream1 and stream2) and want to move one component from stream1 to stream2. What is the best approach to do it. I need to preserve all source code and histories.....

Also what is the impact to existing workspaces of stream1 and workspaces of stream2?

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jan 11 '13, 10:40 a.m.
You can simply add the component to the other stream. You can select which baseline the component should initially show. The component is just a kind of container and you can have the same component on different streams and develop versions independently. If you need to get versions from one strem back to another,you use the flow target to point your repository workspace, that is loaded with the information from one stream to the other stream and you can then accept/merge/deliver changes/differences between the stream and the workspace.
Tao Weng selected this answer as the correct answer

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