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Workflow Action that changes work item type?

Caroline Smith (4611923) | asked Jan 03 '13, 9:28 a.m.

Can anybody tell me if it possible to do the following.  On changing a workflow state using an action, is it possible in the process configuration to change the work item type.  So inside the <action> instead of setting state = "new state" can I set the work item type to a different work item.

The use case is as follows.  New ideas are assigned a simple workflow, if the reject action is selected the state changes to dropped but if the accept action is selected we want to convert this idea work item into a story work item.

I am using the eclipse client 3.0.1


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 03 '13, 9:44 a.m.
Hi Caroline,

you can write a participant for that. See for more details. There is no built in feature for such things.

You could also manually change the idea or (at least in the eclipse client) duplicate the idea, modify that into a story and trace it against the idea. There are several ways to do this in RTC. Why the automation? Changing the workflow state is as complex as simply changing the tape to story. The story needs to be beefed up anyway. 
Caroline Smith selected this answer as the correct answer

Caroline Smith commented Jan 07 '13, 5:03 a.m.

Thats a bit too much work for me.  I know it is easy to change they type manually but wanted to make the whole process as automated as possible.  The easier and more automated it is the more likely everybody is to actually use it correctly.

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 07 '13, 5:28 a.m. | edited Jan 07 '13, 5:28 a.m.

Hi Caroline,

you can tell that I like automation and extending too.

However, please keep in mind that all that adds to cost. You have to develop, test, deploy and keep the extensions working. If the process changes, you might to have to adjust the extensions. If they are too strict, automation might actually get into the way too. Please consider looking at Jim's blog post about what you should consider before putting too much effort into customization.

One of the biggest drivers of some of the automation is not trusting the developers to perform their duties. We have found that of no avail in collaborative development.

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