Rational Team Concert Plan Estimate vs Effective Estimate Column
2 answers
Thanks for the analysis -- when I try to remove the Estimate column in the Plan View, I do not see the option, I only see Effective Estimate column to move.
One more thing, only seeing this Estimate and Effective Estimate columns in the Work Breakdown view. Also seeing this large number Estimate value surfacing In the aggregate resource hours calculations (Progress Report bar) on the Work Item and All Plans section, which is creating very large Estimate #'s (e.g. 2 billion of 21 billion hours for Estimate Done section)
I think I see what the issue is - on the Product and Release Backlog level, I see Estimate, but in the Jazz Sandbox I see Story Points. I recall there was a way to display the estimate instead of the story points at the aggregate levels and this is probably that setting. Any ideas to 'fix' it so it is displayed in a usable format?
As far as I know, the time spent, Estimate or any duration type attribute cannot be used as complexity attribute. There is the following work item related to this:
Restrict the attributes for selecting the Complexity attribute to not to include the work item attributes of type Duration. (267706)