Is there any easier way to get charts and tables out of JazzMon than making them manually using Excel ?

JazzMon exposes Jazz server performance by turning hourly web counter service reports into Excel or Symphony compatible CSV files to help understand local traffic and load on my server. But it's time consuming and laborious to turn the data into charts that let me see what's going on. Is there any easier alternative to doing this all by hand ?
2 answers

JazzMon 1.4.0 greatly improves usability in a variety of ways
- One page Quick Start guide that tells you all you need to know to install, configure, run, and analyze JazzMon data in most situations
- Simplified process that automatically analyzes your original data in place without the need to "gather" data to another location first
- JazzMonVisualizer - an Excel macro that will automatically read in the JazzMon CSV files, format them as data tables and turn them into charts for you.
- Includes a table of contents in each data workbook to make it easy to navigate between different tables and different application servers.
- The macro is not currently supported under Lotus Symphony
- Now available at

We've also posted a couple of demonstration videos on the JazzMon wiki to help you get started:
A 60 second practical hands on demonstration of the basics of configuring and running JazzMon (
A 10 minute demonstration video attached below provides a brief walk through from the QuickStart to Visualization (