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Money that matters lifecycle scenario

francesco viscomi (517) | asked Feb 23 '21, 11:33 a.m.

 Hi all,

may be I'm a little be stupid  :) I'm trying to make the following tutorial:

and at the beginnig there is written:
  1. In the web client, in the upper-left corner, click the Home menu icon. From the list, under Quality Management, click JKE Banking (Quality Management).
  2. Log out as Marco.
  3. Log on by typing  tanuj  in User ID and  tanuj  in Password.
  4. Click Construction > Browse > Test Cases.

Now I really don't see  the Voice Construction, I ve looked in:

Log in with tanuj (having assign the right licence); So I'm asking Is this tutorial a little be old, or I make a mistake??

There are also many other thing that the tutorial indicate but not visible on the page. Many thing are in english a many other in Italian, It should be very easy to follow a link but not for me.... may be the guide is deprecated ???

really thanks

Accepted answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 24 '21, 2:29 a.m.

 The menu construction is part or ETM for ages. The guide is fine. 

francesco viscomi selected this answer as the correct answer

francesco viscomi commented Feb 24 '21, 12:00 p.m.

thanks now I see (i cannot explain why) anyway really thanks 

2 other answers

permanent link
francesco viscomi (517) | answered Feb 24 '21, 12:15 p.m.

 where is the green plus sign???? :) :) 

permanent link
francesco viscomi (517) | answered Feb 24 '21, 12:21 p.m.

  i cannot insert image; I need 11 point reputation :)

  1. In the Filter field, type  Allocate ; in the search results, open the Allocate Dividends To Multiple Causes test case.
  2. In the test case, in the Table of Contents section, click Test Scripts.
  3. In the window, click the Add Test Scripts icon (green plus sign).

Please give me reputation in order to attache image :) 


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